Are Your Dreams Too Big?

I’m flitting around the Northwest, enjoying the great outdoors, but I wanted to give you a shot of encouragement today, especially if you have a tendency to chastise yourself for not measuring up, for over-planning and under-achieving, for comparing yourself too much and too often to others who seem to be poster persons of success and finding yourself wanting, and then doing it all over again, hoping things will be different this time.


Christian music artist Josh Wilson has a great song out called “Dream Small.” When I watched the official YouTube version, it reminded me of the story of the young woman applying to a prestigious college. On her entrance essay, she said she hadn’t achieved anything extraordinary and didn’t want to be a leader; she wanted to be the best follower and team person she could be. The admissions counselors were so impressed that they admitted her, without reservation. They noted how refreshing it was to receive an honest essay, one that didn’t embellish facts or awards or brag about what a great leader the student would be.

Maybe it’s time for all of us to stop listening to achievement pundits who extol pushing and achieving and sacrifice at the cost of family, friendships, and sometimes morals.

Enjoy a refreshing look at dreaming and doing in Josh Wilson’s “Dream Small,” and note just how important those small, cumulative dreams and actions are to life and those your dreams influence.

Simple moments really can change lives—yours and others.

I’m flitting around the Northwest, enjoying the great outdoors, but I wanted to give you a shot of encouragement today, especially if you have a tendency to chastise yourself for not measuring up, for over-planning and under-achieving, for comparing yourself too much and too often to others who seem to be poster persons of success and finding yourself wanting, and then doing it all over again, hoping things will be different this time.


Christian music artist Josh Wilson has a great song out called “Dream Small.” When I watched the official YouTube version, it reminded me of the story of the young woman applying to a prestigious college. On her entrance essay, she said she hadn’t achieved anything extraordinary and didn’t want to be a leader; she wanted to be the best follower and team person she could be. The admissions counselors were so impressed that they admitted, without reservation. They noted how refreshing it was to receive an honest essay, one that didn’t embellish facts or awards or brag about what a great leader the student would be.

Maybe it’s time for all of us to stop listening to achievement pundits who extol pushing and achieving and sacrifice at the cost of family, friendships, and sometimes morals.


Enjoy a refreshing look at dreaming and doing in Josh Wilson’s “Dream Small,” and note just how important those small, cumulative dreams and actions are to life and those your dreams influence.

Simple moments really can change lives—yours and others.



Until next week, may God bless your dreams!





Andrea Arthur Owan is an award-winning inspirational writer, fitness pro and chaplain. She writes and works to help people live their best lives—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

5 Ways to Avoid Stress-Eating

I’m actually on my way to the great Northwest to attend the wedding of my older son’s best friend. He spent a lot of time at our house throughout their college years and is like a nephew to us. After the wedding, we’ll be exploring the area and then driving south to visit relatives. We’re excited.

But we’ll be confronted with a dilemma, one many people confront when they’re traveling or attending celebrations.


We need to keep a close eye on our nutrition plan while we’re away.


We don’t want to do any stress eating, any lazy eating, any “just this once” eating and then watch our waistlines enlarge and our clothes tighten.

To that end, we’ll have to maintain some self control, and frequently remind ourselves just how lousy we feel when we break down and eat something we know gives us problems, that will likely make us sick, and regretting that we ever opened our mouths and poked the food inside.


Just as I’m about to fly away, Harvard Health hits my email inbox with an article on how to avoid Stress Eating. I’m going to share some of the highlights with you. Hopefully it will help all of us as we work, play, and celebrate!


5 ways to manage, and avoid, stress-triggered eating—


  1. Make sleep a priority!

This is SO important for your health. Get 7 – 9 hours of good, restful sleep each night. Try to make your bedtimes and wake times as consistent as possible, even on the weekends. Stop watching television or using screen technology at least an hour before bedtime. Use the bedtime function on your smart phone and stick to it, with the screen switching to a warm color a couple of hours prior to going to bed and staying that way until the wake up music goes off.

For the last couple of weeks, Chris and I have been making a point of shutting down the electronics at least an hour before bed, grabbing a book and reading until 10:00, our designated in-bed time. The positive effects have been amazing! We’re enjoying the quiet and proximity to one another, and the melatonin cranks up in the limited light, preparing our bodies for a restful sleep.


  1. Take some time to meditate on how you view your work/life situation and what about it makes you stressful

Going through this process is about identifying whether or not you can change your response to any stress in your family or work life. Maybe you need to add more meditation to your life, learn how to take deep breaths and not get so wrapped up in life or work drama. Finding a support group—for over-eating—is also helpful.


3. Plan ahead for potentially stressful times

Know you intend to overeat at the holidays, or when a big report or presentation is due at work? Take some extra self-defense steps to curtail the eating. Keep healthful snacks around, make sure you focus on the work or event and don’t procrastinate about the time it will take to prepare. Design stress-reducing activities for the holidays, and resist over loading yourself during these high-stress times.


  1. Burn off the tension, or take your frustrations out on the gym equipment or pavement

Make sure you stick to your exercise regimen and don’t let others or their schedules squeeze out your exercise. Like sleep, exercise helps keep your fat-accumulating hormone (cortisol) at bay and your brain alert and healthy. Exercise needs to be a non-negotiable.


  1. Consider a doctor consult or counselor who can talk you through it and give you some great options for behavior modification

If, after all of the first 4 ideas and practices fail (and you’ve given them a honest, focused shot), it might be time to get some professional help.


BONUS TIP: If you struggle in this area, make sure you always take your burden to the Lord in prayer. It is helpful to pray in any situation where you feel stressed or weak, or on the verge of caving in to temptation. God stands ready to come to your aid and provide you a way out!


Good luck, and I’ll meet you back here October 2!




Andrea Arthur Owan is an award-winning inspirational writer, fitness pro and chaplain. She writes and works to help people live their best lives—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

How to Make the Most of Your Fall Season

Someone recommended the book to me after our daughter, Victoria, died, an award winning kid’s book by psychologist Dr. Leo Buscaglia called The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages.

It’s about a leaf named Freddie who is in the process of watching all of the other leaves lose their brilliant summer green, change to beautiful fall hues of scarlet, orange and yellow, and finally lose their grip on the tree limb. Wiser leaves around Freddie explain the process so he can be prepared and ready when his time comes to be released from the tree and join the earth below. The book is supposed to help young children cope with and understand death.


I read the book to our son, Parker, who had just turned three when his sister died in childbirth. And then we read it every fall after that, on the first day of autumn. It was a ritual that calmed my heart.

When my son Cory was born, he joined the reading time. Now it’s time to pull the book off the library shelf and read it again, by myself this time since the boys are out of the house and on their own making their own lives in this world. They’re no strangers to loss and heartache. I think reading about Freddie has helped prepare them for life’s fragility.

But this year, on the first day of autumn, (which is next week Monday), I’ll be enjoying the fall foliage of the Northwest. I’m attending a wedding up there, and I’m looking forward to being in the thick of the season change. It’s one of my and my husband’s most precious memories of living in the Midwest: waking up to the cold snap in the air, watching the leaves turn brilliant colors and scatter across the roads and landscape. We get a little of that around here, and if we want to drive up the mountain behind us, we are usually treated to a pretty good show. But it never quite feels like enough. I can understand when people say they want to live some place where there are real seasons.

Kind of like life—living it as though it has seasons and leaning in to each of them.


Making the most of the fall season—

Aside from the colder weather tingling your skin, and the general slowdown in activities, fall can really be a state of mind. One you can use to your advantage.


Let go of stuff—

As you start to slow down, say goodbye to summer, and anticipate the darker, colder days of winter, why not rummage through your closet for items you’ve mentally discarded or promised yourself you didn’t wear this past fall and winter and probably won’t wear again in the next.

I was riffling through my closet yesterday, trying to find something to wear to church service that still had the vibrant colors of spring and summer to match my happy mood and our still-warm weather and my eyes settled on some items I’d forgotten I had (and knew I was looking forward to wearing again), and items I didn’t wear last year and knew I probably wouldn’t wear again this winter.

And I realized I didn’t want to wear them just because I felt guilty that they’d been hanging neglected in my closet.


I made a mental note that I’m going to screw up my courage, pluck them from their hanger, and take them to either a second-hand clothing store or donate them.

I’m saying the same for books now too. I’m running out of room to shelve them. And I’ve acquired a new load from my parents’ library in the last several years. Some of them remain in boxes, and I had to honestly ask myself: Will I ever read them? And will my kids even be interested in them?


Probably not. There are those I do hope they’ll find time to read in some distant future, but the chances of your children even being vaguely interested in those things that enticed you—like heirlooms and collections—will not likely appeal to your children. My younger son has already laid claim to my china and family heirlooms, (I have to talk to his brother first before that gets written in ink in my will), so I know what he’s interested in. But as a wise woman once counseled a group I attended:


Unless you have the space to store, the time to keep it clean, or the money to keep it, then it should go. No storage allowed for maybe items.

Relinquish those items from your heart and make room for something, or someone else!

Possessions don’t have to be kept just because they’re useful, though. Items that bring you peace and wonderful memories, or items that bring beauty to your life are important.


Let go of caring what others’ opinions, if they’re not yours—

While enjoying breakfast with one of my dearest friends and sister-in-Christ the other morning, she was verbally chastising herself for caring too much about what others think about her. It’s a lament I’ve heard frequently from her lately. She said she’s getting too old (70) for putting that much energy—and probably losing that much precious time—fretting over others, their opinions, and worrying about how she measures up around others.

I get it. I think the popular term now is being “authentic.” Being your true self in front of others.


I know what she means—not allowing too much mental real estate to be squatted upon and wasted with dressing to impress, acting a certain way to please, thinking a certain way to go along with the mob.

But I think this our society might be in danger of taking this too far. People today are too prone to blurt out whatever is on their mind, no matter how offensive, or even how true it might be. People don’t need (or even want) to hear everything you’re thinking, nor should they.

Feelings are important, and I think Christians are often too silent about how much they’re hurting because they think they need to look as though they always have it all together.

But feelings can be fleeting and deceiving. Didn’t the Apostle Paul say that he had become all things to all people for the sake of the gospel?

I think if we go forward with that thought, always ready to give a reason for our future hope, slow to anger and slow to speak, patient and long-suffering, full of God’s love for others, we will be able to chose wisely.


Let go of unrealistic goals—

 What goals are you still striving for, or that keep nagging your brain, that you know are probably not the best, most practical, or timely for you? Maybe they need to be put on a back burner for the future; maybe they just aren’t good for you and never will be. Maybe they were really someone else’s goals.

Now might be a great time to re-evaluate them, especially when you’re dinging out your closet or bookshelves, or rooting around underneath your bed to clear dust bunnies and inspect all of those items you thought you wanted to keep that no longer hold your attention or heart.

Just give yourself permission to adjust and re-plan.

And give others in your life the same permission.


And now for the last one, which may be hard to hear or sound offensive.


Let go of toxic friends or acquaintances—

As part of our church’s “Choosing Wisely” series, our youth pastor gave a great sermon yesterday about those you have sitting at your table. Those people you spend a lot of time with, that influence you.

He wanted us to ask ourselves which people at our tables lift us up, sharpen us, help us grow in our relationship with God, make us better people.


On of the first things they tell an alcoholic to do when he admits he’s got a problem is to discard his old drinking buddies and hangouts and gather a new bunch of friends that will encourage him and be accountability partners.

It’s a good question, but hard to answer. You can’t always avoid toxic family members, but you can still treat them well and honorably even though you limit your contact with them.


You can have a lot of acquaintances, but you really can only have so many good friends. Why? Because nurturing friendships takes time and effort. Even Jesus spent time hand picking his closest friends while He was on earth.


Maybe this fall it’s a good time to pray about those people God wants in your life right now, those friends you want to gather at your table.

Sounds rough, doesn’t it?

But Scripture has a lot to say about friend choosing, especially in the Book of Proverbs.

It says that the righteous choose their friends carefully, so they won’t be led astray.


It tells us to walk with the wise so we can become wiser.


It tells us a friend is loyal.


It speaks of unreliable friends that bring us to ruin, and friends that stick closer than brothers.


It speaks of how sweet to the soul a friend’s encouragement can be and how beneficial their wise counsel.


It even says that open criticism is better than hidden love.


And I think we’ve all heard the passage from First Corinthians that says bad company corrupts good character.



Booker T. Washington even said that it was better to be alone than with people of bad quality.


So even if fall is a time to hunker down and prepare for the dark days of winter, it can be a time of soul refreshment and rejuvenation.


Freddie’s fall from his tree doesn’t have to be a time of sadness when it’s viewed in the context of the entire rhythm of life picture and future (and eternal) hope!


Until next week, prepare your heart and mind to enjoy your Autumnal Equinox next Monday and perhaps view it with a fresh, life changing perspective.

Next Week I’ll have more encouragement for you.



*Some of this post was based on Guideposts’ online newsletter article by Holly Lebowitz Rossi. It’s posted in their Positive Living section.


Andrea Arthur Owan is an award-winning inspirational writer, fitness pro and chaplain. She writes and works to help people live their best lives—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The Benefits of Swimming—the Game-changer Activity

I grew up surrounded by water. Literally. On a Pacific Ocean island on the most remote land mass on Earth.


I could see the ocean from our home, and see the condominium pool from our kitchen window and front door.

To say I’m still suffering bodies-of-water withdrawal since our move to the desert Southwest 22 years ago would be an understatement.

BUT, praises of thankfulness, I have a pool in my backyard that I can see from the family room, laundry room and back bedroom, which we’ve set up as an office. Sometimes the pool water reflects off the family room ceiling, making soothing undulating patterns above my head. I’m grateful for these simple pleasures.


I spend a lot of my summer in that pool, but not nearly enough. Although I no longer have the luxury of spending hours playing and lapping in the pool as I did during my summer breaks while a kid, I can—and should—dive in and paddle around in order to improve my fitness level.

And it’s my humble opinion that swimming should be a go-to exercise for nearly everyone.


Swimming studies results—

A 2017 study reported by the Health Commission British Journal of Sports Medicine about the United Kingdom’s SWIM ENGLAND program showed significant results.

Some of the results:

  • Swimming is uniquely placed to support people throughout their entire life.
  • Swimming lowers the risk of early death by 28 per cent.
  • Swimming and aquatic activity is a safe, cost effective and viable option for healthcare professionals to signpost (UK term for pointing the way, guiding or providing direction) patients.
  • 47% had a lower risk of death due to heart disease or stroke.


Jane Nickerson, Swim England CEO, said,


“It’s evident from the report that swimming has enormous potential to support the health and wellbeing of the nation.”


With that kind of assessment, how long do you think it will be before the UK installs swimming as a mandatory activity for its school children? (While the United States is still cutting physical education and art due to budget concerns. Shortsighted, concerning the long-term health and financial benefits of lifelong exercise.)

Mike Farrar, Swim England Group Board Chairman and former CEO of the NHS Confederation, said,


“This report shows that activities like swimming really do have the potential to be a game-changer in supporting the health of this nation, especially at a time when cuts to services means less money for long-term care.”


According to the on-line blog article “The Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Swimming report was commissioned by the Swimming and Health Commission on behalf of Swim England to explore the impact of swimming on physical, mental and social wellbeing. It has been written by a range of eminent academics and is supported by the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies.”

They investigated several parameters and age groups and found that swimming:

  • Helps those 3 months and over develop more quickly,
  • Helps adults 18 and over reduce stress and overall health; and
  • Helps those 65 and over live longer and stay mentally alert and physically agile.


More positive swimming research—

In a comparative study of middle distance runners’ lung function with that of swimmers, the researchers found that swimmers have better lung volume than the runners. The researchers hypothesized that the muscles active during breathing—like the diaphragm—are forced to work harder in swimming. The activity gave these trained swimmers more elasticity (stretchiness and ability to return to normal shape after being stretched) during breathing than did running.


 My experience with swimming—

When I was eight years old, I had a brief stint with swim training at the YMCA. I loved being in the water and playing for hours in a pool, but when it came to practicing and swimming competitively, I couldn’t have been more bored, or probably out of my element.

While I quickly advanced from guppies to minnows, I hit a stalemate when they tried to advance me to shark (or barracuda, whatever it was). I couldn’t stand it. The swim instructor suggested to my mom that I might be happier in the gymnastics class.

Happy didn’t even begin to describe it!

My fast-twitch muscle fibers were born to perform explosive activities, and I quickly improved. While I could dash across a pool for short lengths and laps, long-distance, repetitive practices left me cold. No pun intended.

When I was in college, though, my best friend and I tore up the pool at the campus intercollegiate competition. Short distances, of course.

We were both former gymnasts. And I could do a mean flip turn and push off at the wall that got me out way ahead of the other competitors. (Sorry, I had to relive that victorious moment just once more!)


Benefits of swimming for all ages—

Now that I’ve hung up my leotards and really need a good, non-weight bearing activity to keep my muscles supple, my weight down, and my overloaded joints in shape, I’ve returned to the pool to add some crossover training variety to my life. There are great reasons for me to return to the pool—or for you to start getting into one if you haven’t already.

  1.  Swimming can improve coordination. Coordinating your limbs to kick and stroke properly (without pounding or slapping the water and wasting energy) while breathing and not sucking in water is a feat for the uninitiated. Once learned, you’ll find yourself skimming through the water pretty effortlessly. And that effortless swimming helps:
  2. Lubricate your joints. In an era where too many people (I believe) undergo join replacements, or have to undergo the procedure, you swimming might just help you ward off that nasty surgery. When you’re exercising, the joint capsule fluid produces more joint-healing and cushioning fluid. And that benefits works in synergy with swimming’s ability to:
  3. Keep your joints flexible and reduce the onset of the effects of osteoarthritis. A lot of things can contribute to osteoarthritis, including: carrying around too much weight, eating foods that increase inflammation in the body, lack of exercise, over-exercising, and genes. But swimming is a non-weight bearing activity (unless you’re running in the shallow end of the pool) that reduces the load on your joints and gives them more space. And that gives your joints more:
  4. Flexibility! Always a good thing for older people that fall more frequently due to balance and flexibility issues.


Other swimming benefits include—
  1. Increased lung volume that aids lung capacity—(It’s a great activity for asthmatics.) With bigger lungs you have an increased area to fill up with O2 (oxygen). That means you’ll have more of that life-giving gas available to load up on cells to be conveyed deep into your body’s tissues. Everything works (and breathes) better.
  2. Some cross-training benefits—Intense swimming programs are found to equal intense sprint and explosive weight training programs.
  3. Lowering your stress levels— Tension and stress shorten your muscles, which leads to tightness and loss of joint range of motion. When we float around in a big cement pond full of water, our bodies naturally relax. Our breathing slows. (Of course, all of this is true if you know how to swim and like it.)

No wonder I feel so relaxed, almost sleepy, after I emerge from my swimming or floating sessions.

It’s cathartic, like praying and meditating. A great way to start or end the day!


Some good tools for swimming exercise—

I like to use a kick-board, the kind that swim teams use to have their kids work on their leg kicks. You can hang onto it and paddle along. Try not to keep your head above water for too long, though. You’re likely to get neck cramps and pinched nerves. I regular swim noodle works for this too.

I also like to use the training hand paddles to add resistance to my strokes. Two rubber loops slip over your fingers to keep the paddles in place. Don’t get the rubber too tight or you’ll find your finger circulation getting cut off.

And a good noodle is worth its weight in gold. You can use that for kicking, or for underwater cycling, if you don’t tread water well, or feel secure “running” in the deep end.


But beware: with any activity you can overdue it and end up with injuries. Competitive swimmers are notorious for having shoulder and back injuries, and it can be hard on your knees if you don’t kick properly. And you can get dehydrated in a pool just as you can on dry land, so make sure you drink plenty of water after your exercise, or during, if you swim long distances.

So don’t jump into the pool thinking this is an injury-free exercise. As with any other activity, get some training books, start slowly, train wisely, and work your way up.

And what about swimming and weight loss?

As with anything, you’re more likely to lose weight if your energy output exceeds your energy input. In other words, you eat less than you burn off. Swimming is no different, but fair warning: Swimming consistently in cold water can cause you to store fat, just like a polar bear in the arctic. Your body does whatever it can to survive. And swimming burns a ton of calories and increases your appetite. So, if you swim a lot and always chow down an excess portion of food afterward to curb your hunger, your weight may end up creeping up instead of going down.


My future swimming goals—

 While we removed the heater capabilities from our pool and usually don’t get in it during the winter months (yes, it can get cold and snowy here), I’ve decided to brave up, purchase a short-leg wet suit, and hit the pool throughout the winter. I find it gives me so many benefits that I want to keep swimming year round and know I need to. I can also drive around the block to our community pool, which is a Junior Olympic size and has marked lanes.

The gym where we work out just moved into a grand new facility with a lap pool, but it isn’t open yet, and I’m going to guess it’ll be so packed that the only time I could get in would be between midnight and 5:00 AM. So I’m going to use my own cement pond. Might as well. I pay property taxes on it!

Even though we’ve had a blistering summer with little rain, it’s nearing the time that we’d normally cover the pool and say adios until next summer. But I’m determined.


Maybe I’ll take a picture of myself in my wetsuit and put it in a blog post. Or, maybe not. If I swim enough, I might actually look decent enough in it to share with you.

Now that’s motivation!


Until next week, check out some local pools, if you don’t have one in your backyard or community. Or locate a swim coach or club. Set some target goals, get some training material, and jump in.

Your body and mind will be happy you did.



Andrea Arthur Owan is an award-winning inspirational writer, fitness pro and chaplain. She writes and works to help people live their best lives—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

How to Have a Living Hope (and Not Waste Your Journey)

The prayer chain email I received last Thursday rattled me. Not for the tremendous burden and need the requester noted—which was, indeed, grievous—but for the depth and spiritual maturity of its perspective.


The Christian sister requesting prayer said she had just been diagnosed with a rare and particularly aggressive ovarian cancer. Just being diagnosed with any kind of ovarian cancer is enough to strike terror in the sufferer because ovarian cancer is usually not diagnosed until Stage 4; and the 5-survival rate is around 17%. My own precious cousin, Jan, died of the dreaded disease (after a valiant, grace-filled battle) ten years ago this month while only in her forties.

She’s recovering from surgery to remove large tumors and begins chemotherapy in two and a half weeks. She sounded confident in the family she is blessed with and her “army of supporters.” (Oh, God, that we would all be so blessed when tragedy strikes us!) Because of this support, she says she can make the most of every day that God will grant her.

Then she listed her prayer requests.


First, she wants to remember that God, not she, is in control.

Second, [recognizing] that “God is most interested in what’s happening in the part of me that can’t be touched, scanned, or medicated.”

Last on the list was that she not waste the time she has [left] despairing or seeking comfort about her disease or the outcome. She was bold in her statement:


“I will only waste my journey with cancer if I seek comfort or despair about my odds, rather than look to know what God can do with me.”


She completed her email request by saying she claimed Jesus’ authority and denied Satan [working] in her life.


After reading her email—which I read three times—I sucked in my breath. Hard.

Certainly all of this is probably easier to say before chemotherapy flattens her and leaves her feeling as though she’s been run over by a semi-truck; when the only time she can drag herself out of bed is when she has to maintain a vigil in the bathroom, lying on the cold tile next to the toilet, in wait of having to relieve her stomach of its contents.

When she undergoes the process of being poisoned to death in order to eradicate mutated cells that are already killing her. Before she’s really knee deep into this battle.


I don’t personally know this sister—whether she is, by nature, as stoic and brave as this email sounds. But clearly she has sought the Lord, the Holy Spirit has spoken to her, and she is ready to confront her disease and this potential earthly death sentence with all the strength, faith, grace, and hope of a believer steeped (and believing) in the promises of Jesus Christ and her true, future hope.

She has put this—and life—in true perspective.


And I was awed.









For me, her prayers and requests are powerful enough to warrant writing down and carrying around with me, to pull out and re-read when metaphorical lightning strikes my life, or I am tempted to whine about inconveniences and aggravating hiccups that cause bumps in my road.

And it was a punctuation mark to my earlier reading about Bethel Music founder and pastor Brian Johnson’s battle with and recovery from depression. He described it as going through six months of “hell” and having to be taken to a hospital when he suffered a nervous breakdown.

When the ambulance arrived at his Redding, California, home, he said to his kids: “This is when God becomes real.”

Isn’t that the truth!

The experience prompted him to write the popular worship song “Living Hope.”

And after watching the YouTube video of Bethel Music singing this heart-churner, I thought about some options for inscriptions on my tombstone:


Jesus Christ, My Living Hope


The Grave Has No Claim on Me!


It sounds as though this dear sister is already claiming these truths as she faces the biggest battle of her earthly life.

Her hope is built on Jesus Christ and the power of His death and Resurrection.

May it be so for all of us.

I promise that you won’t be able to stay seated long during this song.

And if watching that isn’t enough to get your motor going, here’s a Bethel song bonus: “Raise a Hallelujah.”

(*The journal picture and entry is a photo found on

Until next week, no matter what you’re facing, raise your own hallelujah to the Lord!



Andrea Arthur Owan is an award-winning inspirational writer, fitness pro and chaplain. She writes and works to help people live their best lives—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.