

Some of the publications and books my work has appeared in are:


July 14, 2020

On sale now at all bookstores and

Chicken Soup for the Soul’s The Magic of Dogs: 101 Tales of Family, Friendship and Fun

My contribution, “Transforming Hami,” tells the heartwarming story of an abused, ragamuffin rescue dog I didn’t want that wore down my defenses, wormed his way into my heart, and helped me reclaim my joy for life.

Writer S Montgomery said of the story: “I love your story!  It’s so warm and leaves me remembering animals that I’ve had and how it felt.  Just one of those true life, feel good stories we all need now for sure.”


Miraculous personal and ghostwritten stories of marriage restoration, angelic visitations, unexplainable events, fulfilling a deceased husband’s dreams, battling a phobia, and humorous and timely answers to prayer have appeared in Guideposts: True Stories of Hope and Inspiration, Angels on Earth, and Mysterious Ways.

Want to read one of them? Here’s the story of my personal battle with claustrophobia and the dreaded MRI!  




Guideposts book Heavenly Company: Entertaining Angels Unaware

edited by Cecil Murphey and Twila Belk; Foreword by Don Piper. “An Angel in Scrubs,” is an excerpt from my memoir about the unusual events surrounding the birth of my younger son Cory. Only an angel disguised in nurse’s scrubs could have brought the peace I needed when it seemed I’d lose yet another baby in childbirth.


Chicken Soup for the Soul® books

Devotional Stories for Wives: 101 Daily Devotions to Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire You. My devotion “From Chaos to Restoration” describes in brief, devotion style how my life went from chaos and a struggling marriage to peace, renewed purpose and marriage restoration. How I learned to let God take care of me, and everything else, during one of the lowest periods of my life. And how trusting God and taking risk can often provide the miracle you need.




My Very Good, Very Bad Cat: 101 Heartwarming Stories about Our Happy, Heroic & Hilarious Pets. Meet my precious and precocious cat Tibbs (alias Houdini). He seems intent on devouring all of my Christmas wrappings and bows and killing himself in the process, until I learn a valuable lesson his behavior is teaching me. It forever changes my view of Christmas, with all of its packaging and ribbons and bows.





The Joy of Christmas: 101 Holiday Tales of Inspiration, Love, and Wonder. An off-the-schedule Christmas Train trip through a winter wonderland gives my family an unexpected Christmas experience, and teaches me to enjoy where I am, not let others ruin my joy, and that a heavenly timetable is always perfect.


Books by other editors and publishers—



Celebrating Christmas with …Memories, Poetry, and Good Food. Edited by Donna Clark Goodrich. Come with me as I reminisce about my nearly illiterate, immigrant grandmother, who knows the best way to love is through prayer, a gentle touch and smile, and her homemade noodles.






Grandfather, Father and Me: Memories, Poetry and Good Food. Edited by Donna Clark Goodrich. Reminiscing about caring for my father in his last days, and the shoes he so often needed help putting on, takes me on a mental journey of the wide, varied and interesting life my dad led in the story “My Father’s Shoes.” And the legacy his life left me.





My Love to you Always: 42 Stories of Enduring Love, Completed and edited by Ramona Tucker & Jennifer Wessner. My story, “Broken Hearts, Redeemed,” looks at the unlikely, unexpected romance of my husband and me. How, in spite of bringing painful pasts and baggage into the bond, and having to confront unspeakable grief during our marriage, we managed to have our hearts redeemed through God’s faithfulness and love. (Out of print.)




God Still Meets Needs: Christians Tell Stories of God Being There in Tough Times. Compiled and edited by Mark Littleton. This 150 devotions booklet encourages and reminds believers that in our darkest hours, God is still with us, He is faithful, and He can be trusted to guard and carefully carry our hearts and those of our loved ones. My devotions “His Capable Hands” and “Come and Rest” chronicle two events that proved God is in the need-meeting business, and all we have to do is trust and follow Him to have those needs met. (Out of print.)




Numerous feature articles for local (Tucson) non-profits, like 4Tucson Magazine, and Connecting Communities Magazine, a quarterly publication of community-building non-profit Good Neighbor Ventures in Tucson.


Proofreading and Copyediting—

In addition to these publications, I’ve had the pleasure to proofread and copyedit several books, including James Watkins’ recent book The Psalms of Asaph: Struggling with Unanswered Prayer, Unfulfilled Promises, and Unpunished Evil;

and Bee Bloeser’s forthcoming memoir Vaccines and Bayonets: Fighting Smallpox in Africa Amid Tribalism, Terror and the Cold War.


I’ve also been asked by authors to read and review books for them. You can find some of those reviews on


In addition, sports medicine programs for the public, a private sports medicine clinic, and a private athletic club, orthopedic assistant curricula for a Southern California medical technical school, church sermons, dramas and publications.