3 Reasons to Maintain Your Exercise Program Throughout the Holidays

When the schedule falls apart, so usually does the exercising.

And this time of year is no exception. Company parties to attend, family get-togethers to orchestrate, open houses, special events, Christmas decorating, Christmas shopping, Christmas present wrapping can all put a big snag in your hallowed workout schedule.

But they shouldn’t.

You need to keep exercising for some critical reasons:


  1. Exercise keeps your brain happy and alert!

When you’re exercising your body, your brain is reaping most of the benefits. You’ll think better and function better. And sleep better too.

And that’s helpful for a lot of things, including keeping your immune system in top shape for battling colds and the flu, big culprits this time of year.


  1. Exercise helps keep depression under control.

Not everyone enjoys the holidays or looks forward to them with eager anticipation of family celebrations. For many reasons, the holidays can be tough, and depressing.

December is always a roller coaster of emotions time for me because my beloved cousin, Jeff, was killed in a tragic car accident just a week before Christmas when we were in college, and my Dad died on December 11.

Exercising helps keep the happy hormones (endorphins) running through your body. And getting outside to exercise is even better for you. So make a point to keep up your exercise routine and also try to head outside for some deep breathing and walking.


  1. Exercise helps manage stress.

There can be an overload of stress during the Christmas season, and exercise helps you burn that off. It can also keep your distracted from the stress swirling around you. Again, exercising to crank up those happy hormones is a stress-reducing benefit.



Keeping to your exercise program will also tamp down the guilty feelings after you’ve nibbled on one too many treats at a holiday party. So maintain your program, pat yourself on the back, and head into the New Year on track!


Until next week, keep that body and brain happy!



May you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 2).

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