When Life Reschedules Your Week, and You Go With It

Do you ever get to a point where you feel as though you just don’t have anything to say?

I got to that point this week, which is why I didn’t have anything pithy to write for my Friday post. So I didn’t.

Actually, I think I was more pre-occupied with other events going on in my life this week that pre-empted any original thought.

Another week when life got rescheduled—

I’m still struggling to recover from my bone spur surgery. That seems to be coming along, although it’s still a one-day-good, the next day not so much experience. But then the right knee I injured while on Camino has started to give me fits. To the point that I sometimes have difficulty walking on it. Actually, more than sometimes. I think I’m headed back to the doctor sooner rather than later. Even though I have a degree in an area of sports medicine, and I’ve a multitude of injuries, it never ceases to amaze at how injuries of any kind can make you feel so tired, and (sometimes) sick!

Then my younger son decided to come home early for the holidays. Either he really misses us, or he just needed time in familiar, soothing surroundings to, as he put it, “clear his head, be able to think, and get some sleep.” I guess the first semester of law school does that to you!

Anyway, we’re thrilled to have him home; and I needed to stock the house with a lot of food, which included buying his favorites. That meant a grocery store run I hadn’t penciled into the schedule.

We managed to catch a long glimpse of the space station as it circled past us. Can’t remember the last time we were treated to that view. (I wonder what the astronauts are doing for Christmas?)

Then my beloved had a medical procedure yesterday morning that required my attendance. All day.

Suffice to say that life just slowed down for us, we visited a lot with one another, decorated the Christmas tree, enjoyed egg nog in our moose mugs, and made final decisions on Christmas gifts. And we slept in REALLY LATE this morning (Friday)! It was glorious.


So I still have nothing profound to say today, but I will be back  next Friday with a final Christmas post for you.

And be sure to join me Monday when we’ll look at the mysterious ways of love!

Until then,

take some time to really enjoy all the season gives you! And don’t feel obligated to take part in everything available to you. Save some energy to really enjoy a few things.



2 thoughts on “When Life Reschedules Your Week, and You Go With It”

  1. Thanks for sharing your “life happens” when you’ve got other plans story. It’s good to know that when it does happen you can take a step back and refocus on what’s really important: family, health and making memories.
    Merry Christmas. 🎄

    1. Yes, life often requires assessment and reassessment. Taking stock and counting the cost. Some things are just too priceless to set aside until later or ignore. Merry Christmas to you also!

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