Pentecost: Celebrating the Church’s Birthday

On May 23, we’ll celebrate Pentecost—Christianity’s one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-eighth birthday. One thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight years ago God ushered the church age into history.

But what’s so special about this birthday? Why do we celebrate it year, after year, after year? Why is any birthday special enough to deserve yearly recognition?

And what do you need to have a good birthday party?

Before we look closely at Pentecost specifically, let’s examine some birthday characteristics—

If you’re older you probably reminisce about past birthdays, or those of your children or grandchildren. You’ll remember what life was like back then, what you got, what was special in your life. You might even get one of those nifty cards that remind you that a loaf of bread cost a nickel, or a candy bar was a dime. And that triggers you to reminisce about the good old days.

When you were younger—a lot younger—you probably counted the days leading up to the birthday, especially the big ones – like ten – when you finally made double digits, and thirteen – when you could finally call yourself a teenager; and then eighteen         (when you thought you owned the world), and twenty-one (when you knew you did!). And then came 30 years, 50 years, 75…

And you may mentally gaze into the future to contemplate what awaits you next year, or make a list of “to do’s” to accomplish.


Birthday party basics—

You need to have a guest of honor

You need to set the place and time of the party – so everyone knows when and where to show up

You need an invitation list

Then you need to compile a guest list (noting the invitees that promised to join you to celebrate.)


The Pentecost party—

As I take you through Pentecost, you’ll see that the birthday celebration characteristics are present—reminiscing about the past, counting down the days, thinking about the future.


And we’ll recognize that we have all of the necessities for a really good party:

  • a pre-arranged place and time, (Jerusalem during a festival)
  • an invitation list, (the disciples and followers)
  • a guest list, (disciples, followers, and soon-to-be new believers)
  • and, most importantly, a guest of honor, (the Holy Spirit)


A little Pentecost history—

While the church celebrates Pentecost, Pentecost is not originally a church celebration. It was a Jewish celebration that had been going on since God dictated the Book of Deuteronomy to Moses. It’s a feast day, an end to the fifty days after Passover; where first fruits and thanksgiving are presented before God.

So, I want to take you back 1,988 years, when God had a big party and initiated the church age. I want you to view this event – this special birthday – through Jewish eyes.


The Christian Pentecost story—

Imagine you’re a Jew, a follower of Christ, sitting in that Upper Room with about 120 other Jewish disciples on that special feast day. You’re praying and singing psalms and excitedly anticipating what will happen. What Jesus promised would happen.

Ten days ago, just before you watched Him ascend into heaven, Jesus commanded you to go to Jerusalem and wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit – the Divine Presence of God. Jesus said you’d receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon you, and that you’d be a witness to Him in Jerusalem and to the ends of the earth. But how can that be? Then your mind retraces the last fifty days.

So much has happened.


First, Jesus celebrated the Passover with the small group of twelve disciples and then hours later you watched as the crowd called for Jesus to be crucified. When Pilate gave the order, you and Jesus’s closest disciples – besides John and some of the women – ran in terror to hide, fearing you’d be arrested too. You hid for two days, scared and confused. Your hearts were broken. You had all been so sure Jesus was the prophesied Messiah who would deliver you from the oppressive Roman yoke.

Then the Sunday morning after the crucifixion, stunning news came that Jesus had risen from the dead and appeared first to the women and then to some of the other disciples. Breathlessly, they told you about it. And you and the others reasoned together about the Resurrection.

It all started to make sense.

Now, fifty days later, you’re in Jerusalem where a multitude of Jewish pilgrims from a multitude of countries has gathered to celebrate.


Passover was one of the three great festivals God commanded the Jews to celebrate. Every year since you were little, your family made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to sacrifice the Passover lamb. Three days later, you were to go to the temple for the Festival of First Fruits – the festival that celebrated the bountiful harvest God had provided.

And to prepare for that festival, every spring you and your family carefully scoured the wheat fields looking for the first swollen grains of the season. Then you’d eagerly mark these stalks with a ribbon, these first fruits of the harvest that were to be given to God. On the third morning after Passover, the priests would wave one of your dedicated sheaves before the Lord in the temple. Then, you were to count forty-nine more days, and return to Jerusalem to bring the first fruits of the barley harvest to the temple on Shavuot, translated Pentecost in Greek.

It was always a time of great celebrating. Your mother decorated the house with greenery to remind you of Mt. Sinai and made special dairy meals – to remind you that Israel is the land of milk and honey. The rabbis compared it to a wedding between God and His people. And it was the day King David was born, and died. You knew it was the ultimate expression of the unique joy of the land. And your parents always had you repeat the Deuteronomy verse you memorized: “And you shall rejoice in every good thing which the Lord your God has given you.”

But this year, Jesus’s death threw you, your friends, and most of Jerusalem into an uproar. The Sanhedrin hadn’t wanted Jesus to die during the festival, but it happened anyway. Then the eleven remaining disciples told you and the others about the new covenant Jesus had initiated at the last Passover he ate with them. That shocked and confused everyone. His body and his blood given for them? That was a marriage covenant he had recited! Then Jesus was raised from the dead on the first day of First Fruits!

Following that stunning event, Jesus met with you and His other followers for forty days, to teach, to lead, to forgive. Then ten days ago he returned to heaven. You stood and watched Him bless you and the others while He was being taken up into the clouds. He promised again that he would not leave you alone; he promised that his power would come to you. He was adamant that you were to go to Jerusalem—and wait.

Now you’re doing just that, sitting in the Upper Room house. Waiting.

You know the celebration is starting. Just this morning you heard the temple official call out, “Arise! Let us go up to Zion, to the Lord our God!”

It’s officially the day that the season of Passover ends. And you’re sure it will happen on this day – this final day of celebration of First Fruits; where the barley harvest will be baked into two loaves and offered before the Lord at the temple. You now know Jesus is The First Fruit of the harvest. And to send the Holy Spirit on this day – the day Israel recognizes as the day the law was given on Mt. Sinai – would also be a fulfillment of prophecy. After all, Jesus had said that He came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it!

Then you hear it! An enormous, deafening sound like a violent rush of wind. The air itself isn’t stirred; just a powerful sound fills the house. Then divided tongues, looking like fire, appear in the room; one resting on each person’s head. And King David’s psalm floods your mind, “The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness.” And someone else excitedly reminds everyone about the smoke and fire that appeared on Mt. Sinai the day God gave Moses the law!

This has to be it! The Divine Presence of God—the Holy Spirit that Jesus had promised.

Suddenly you and the others speak in different languages. You’ve never studied another dialect, but immediately you’re given the ability to do so. What God started at the Tower of Babel, he has reversed on this day!

All of you run to the temple. It is crowded with Jewish pilgrims from as far away as Iran, Iraq, Rome, Turkey, Libya, Crete, Arabia, and Egypt. They are there to offer their first fruits barley harvest.

And it’s clear that they, too, heard the sound because they have gathered together, bewildered and astounded because you and the others are speaking to them as quickly and excitedly as you can about Jesus, and how his death and resurrection fulfill prophecy and give eternal life. Your heart burns within you as you share this good news.

The crowd listening to you is amazed and perplexed because they understand your words. Some of them get excited and ask you what it all means. They’re eager to know more. Yet others sneer and accuse you of having made some strong wine from your new crops and partaken of it this morning. Gotten drunk from the fruits of your field.

So Peter stands with the other eleven before the crowd and tells them that you aren’t drunk; it’s too early for the celebratory drinking to start. Then he reminds everyone of Joe’s prophecy, where God says that in the last days He will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh, and everyone shall prophecy; that people will see visions, and even the old will have dreams. Everyone, slave and free alike, will receive this power from God.

Then Peter reminds us that Joel also prophesied about the future – where God will cause signs in heaven and on earth. Signs like flood, and fire, and smoky mist; like the sun turning to darkness and the moon to blood, before the Lord’s final return on His judgment day.


Three thousand people believe the message they hear and receive the Holy Spirit. And they hurry back to return to their homes to share the good news of salvation and life through Jesus the Jewish Messiah. No longer will they have to live under the weight of the law. Now they’ll live under grace, just like you.

You know instinctively that it’s the start of a mission that will take all of you to the ends of the earth. The greatest mission the world has ever known.

The Holy Spirit has enabled you for Christ’s service – to share this good news with others, so that they might also know about Jesus and receive His joy of eternal life. It’s the most important thing Jesus calls you to do. And you must be obedient to him. You won’t be afraid because now He’ll be with you wherever you go.

Months later Dr. Luke interviews all of you, so he can make an accurate account of the church’s birth, for future generations to read, remember, and celebrate.


Keeping the party going—

And now, let’s come back to the present—to our celebration this year: 2021.

There’s still inviting and joining and celebrating and praising going on.

Every day people find or hear about the Messiah, and they want to share that joy and hope and promise with the world.

I pray you’ve been invited and said yes to Jesus’s invitation to join Him, received his gift—the power of his Holy Spirit—become one of His disciples, and have your name written on the official guest list.

In order for the party or banquet to happen, invitations are required and a guest list needs to be generated. Like Philip, people need to turn to their friends or acquaintances and say, “Come and see.”


May I ask how many invitations you’ve passed out lately? When was the last time you gave an invitation to someone else to join this party—Jesus’ party?

When have you shown someone the gift of the Guest of Honor?

Maybe the person at work who irks you. Have you invited him to meet the Savior? The complaining, irritating old lady next door? The single mother who’s struggling with everything in life and void of resources, or hope? The indolent teenager whose father is AWOL?

Is your heart broken enough over their lost condition to invite them?

Remember who Jesus invited to the party: the sinners – the poor, the downtrodden, the liars, the thieves, the prostitutes, the adulterers, the prisoners, the blind, the lame, and the lepers; the outcasts and the misfits. He’s still inviting them to come, to be set free. He invites them to come and live a full, joyful life in and through Him.

Or maybe you know someone who’s so nice and kind they don’t seem to need a savior. (That’s a fallacy, by the way.) They do. No one is ever nice enough or kind enough or good enough. No one matches Christ. Only He—and faith in Him and the grace He offers—saves. You’re not getting into the eternal party without Him knowing you and calling you His friend.

After all, He doesn’t invite strangers to that final heavenly banquet.

So be careful about thinking that you can always just show people your good works without saying anything to them about Jesus.


The fallacy of just trying to show someone your faith rather than speaking it and giving out an invitation—

I’d like to illustrate my statement with this true story: Years ago in Seattle a man named Sam was saved and became a Christ-follower as a result of a Billy Graham event. Sam was so excited about what God did in his life, he told his boss about his relationship with Christ.

The boss said, “That’s great! I’m a Christian too, and I’ve been praying for you for years.”

But Sam was disappointed, and his countenance fell. He said, “Why didn’t you ever tell me? You were the very reason why I haven’t been interested in the Gospel all of these years!”

The boss responded, “How could that be? I’ve done my best, by God’s grace, to live a Christ-like life around you all this time.”

Sam said, “That’s the point. You lived such a model life without telling me that it was Christ who made the difference, so I convinced myself that if you could live such a good and happy life without Christ, then I could too” (Don Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines, 111).

Thank goodness this story has a happy ending, but how sad this person didn’t get the invitation sooner.

His boss was negligent.


God seems to enjoy seeing His people party—

God instituted a lot of feasts. He seems to be in the celebration business. He still has a wedding feast awaiting us in heaven. He’s got more invitations to pass out, more names to gather on the guest list.

But whom does He send to deliver the invitation?



His friends.


Professional marketers know from research that it takes about seven to nine letters of invitation before someone responds.

How many times have you invited? Do you give up after a single attempt?

C.S. Lewis called God “the hound of heaven” because God never gives up. How often have you asked?

Have you prayed that God would go before you to prepare the heart of the person you want to invite? Have you prayed for Jesus to give you just the right words to speak to them, and for their ears and hearts to be open to the reception of the message? Do you pray—often—for God to provide opportunities for you to share the Gospel?

Do you invest in their life, listen well and hear their hearts? When you do, they’re more likely to respond to the invitation. You can prepare the ground and then plant and water.


Who’s on your invitation list?  

Keep inviting. Keep sharing your story and the reason for your joy. Scour the fields; plant seeds. Prepare for God’s harvest.

Your family, your neighborhood, city, state, nation and world are your mission field. Go out and invite, taking the heart of God with you. As my former pastor said after one of his Sunday sermons: “Go fishing!”

When you’re having a party, you want people to come and share in the celebration with you.

When you’ve received a great gift, you want to talk about and share it. I’m sure there are special gifts you still remember and reminisce to others about.

Are Jesus and the Holy Spirit on that special gift list?

All of you have a special story to tell. Jesus has given you the power to tell it. But are you willing?

As John Wesley said, “I look on all the world as my parish, … I mean, that, in whatever part of it I am, I judge it … my bounden duty, to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation.”

I ask you: how special is Jesus to you? Do you find him worth sharing? Do you consider it your duty to share those glad tidings of salvation with others?

As Paul later wrote to the Roman church, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace. Who bring glad tidings of good things!”


We’re recognizing Pentecost May 23. Will you be celebrating the birthday of the church? Will you be giving thanks for Jesus, grace, and His Holy Spirit that gives you the power to live and to hope?

Will you be handing out invitations to others to “Come and see”?

Do you have your guest list ready?


For the believer, it should be the greatest celebration birthday of the year.

Invite some friends, and have a great celebration!



“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

Andrea Arthur Owan, M.S., A.T., R., is a health and fitness pro, speaker, award-winning inspirational writer, memoirist, and senior-ordained chaplain (IFOC). She helps people thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually and recover from grief, loss and trauma.

Ascension Day: The Antidote to Post-Resurrection Letdown

I’ll begin this post as I did the last one: I’m sure most, if not all of you have experienced what I’m experiencing right now: a feeling of hanging in limbo. As though you’re unsure of your next move and have difficulty planning your days.

Then I listed some reasons why that could be happening and expanded on the stress and sadness our family is experiencing with my mother’s decline in health and her journey toward the end of her earthly days.

And that was before I was blindsided (the day following the post release) that the memory care home where my mother lives will be closing its doors at the end of this month. That means finding a new place for my mom, at a time in her life that another transition will be very difficult.

Thankfully, God in His infinite goodness found another place for my mom, through my mother’s primary caregiver. We’ve moved her this last Friday.

But the stress of calling hospice and her nurse practitioner and new nurse and making sure that’s all coordinated has added to the blah feelings; and, I am sure, at this point, that I’m dealing with some sadness and depression.



And that just amplifies what I was already experiencing.

Post-Easter letdown.

Which really doesn’t need to happen.

The emotional, spiritual, and often physical investment of the forty days of Lent, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and then the rousing celebrating on Easter Sunday can result in a kind of letdown feeling. As though it all happened, and now it’s over, and a feeling of “what now?” niggles your spirit.

But should I really be experiencing that post-Easter letdown? If I’m experiencing it, I can only imagine what Jesus’ disciples were experiencing on an order of magnitude greater than my doldrums.

But if we look at what happened after the Resurrection, which we started to explore on April 19 post, we see that there was a lot happening between Jesus and His disciples. It didn’t happen the way we often envision it to have transpired.

And that’s where we’re headed in this post. On an eavesdropping and sightseeing walk with Jesus and His followers. Experiencing the far-flung emotions they experienced—the shock, dismay, wonder, giddy joy and thrill of their encounters and the final goodbye that drove them to praise and worship their risen Lord.

As we walk with them, we’ll better understand just how generous and loving and patient and kind our Savior truly is toward us. Then, and now.


And once we understand and appreciate that, we’ll also experience that wonder, thrill and praise-filled joy ourselves.


What transpired with the disciples between Jesus’ death and resurrection?

 As far as we can discern from the four Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we get a picture of a terrified group of disciples in mourning. Hidden away in abject fear of the Roman authorities and Jewish leaders, who the disciples believe will be tracking them down and crucifying them too. The Garden of Gethsemane shows them running, after Peter cuts off a temple guard’s ear when trying to defend Jesus. Once Jesus is arrested and taken away, the disciples make a getaway.

But at some point Peter and John follow the group. (I can see them trying to follow the crowd, undetected, in the night.) Because John knows someone there, they gain entry to the Jewish trial proceedings and eavesdrop on that event. That’s where Peter is when he’s accused by a servant girl of being one of Jesus’ followers and does what he swore he’d never do: deny knowing Jesus. And Jesus hears him do it.

Scripture tells us that Peter ran away and wept. Probably bitterly.

John must have stuck around for the proceedings, though, because we get some great details about what transpired. And he seems to be the only one of the twelve that has the nerve to follow Jesus to Golgotha and stand beside the wailing women to watch the crucifixion and Jesus’ death.

Judas goes out in the field to commit suicide over his betrayal of Jesus.

The women disciples, always faithful and seemingly unafraid, station themselves at the cross to be with their Lord and mourn.

After Jesus’ death, two Jewish leaders—secret followers of Jesus—step forward to bury Him in the tomb.

And then the Scriptures are silent on what’s transpiring for three days, although we do know that on the morning of the Resurrection, ten of the remaining followers are assembled together. I can imagine what’s going through their minds.








A what-are-we-going-to-do-now feeling.

Things didn’t go quite according to their plan. Jesus didn’t fulfill all of their hopes and dreams—of conquering the Romans and freeing the Jews from oppression. He didn’t do the conquering king thing, as they expected.

They left their livelihoods and families and dedicated three solid years of their lives to following Jesus, being taught by Jesus, watching Him work, heal, preach, and pray. Now, in one devastating twenty-fours, it’s over.

They’re demoralized, devastated.

And scared to death.


Ever feel like that? When all of your hopes and dreams, all you’d worked for abruptly ended, and you couldn’t see past your pain, fear and disillusionment to think straight. To trust that all is going according to plan or will be worked out.

It’s a sick to the pit of your stomach feeling that sucks the life out of you.

But bless Jesus’ always-perceptive, loving heart. He knows this anguish, and He spends forty days after the resurrection appearing to, speaking with, eating with, walking with and still teaching His followers.

And forgiving them.


What transpires during that forty days following the Resurrection?
  1. The first thing that happens is Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene, who has gone with the other women followers to finish the anointing of Jesus’ body that they couldn’t do on Friday due to the approaching Sabbath, when all work was to cease for twenty-four hours.

Can you imagine this woman’s joy when she sees her Lord again? Pause for a moment and consider what might go through your heart and mind if you were in her shoes.



Inexpressible joy?

Clearly, she and the other women are so excited that they hurry to find the other disciples, to let them know what they’ve heard and seen. And what do the eleven men think?

Unbelief. Because “[the women’s] words seem to them like nonsense.”

I can imagine the yelling and likely arguing that ensued. The anger at not being believed. The chastising and ridicule for such “nonsense” being spoken.

Ever have a heated discussion with someone that doesn’t believe you, or just dismisses what you have to say? It’s more than irritating. You feel patronized and belittled. It’s a horrible feeling.

But Peter and John must have a suspicion that what the women’s report has some merit, because they run to the tomb and take a look for themselves. Luke’s Gospel doesn’t say that what Peter sees immediately convinces him; it says he “wonders what has happened.”


  1. The next thing Luke recounts is that road to Emmaus encounter with two followers. The one we covered in the last post. Jesus teaches and opens their eyes to what the Scriptures prophesied about Him, reveals Himself to them, and then splits. Disappears, actually.

The two men are so overjoyed that they run seven miles back from where they had just come to tell the other disciples, who are likely chattering up a storm about the recent developments.

Can you imagine the two beating on the door to be let in and then busting out with what they experienced? How could you possibly contain yourself? The scene is likely happy chaos and breathless reporting.


  1. But before they can get out their fabulous story, the disciples burst out with their own revelation: “It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon.”

So somewhere in that time frame on that Resurrection Day, between the appearing and disappearing, Jesus has appeared to Simon Peter. Alone. And if you know your Bible stories well, you can guess—or already know—why Jesus must have done that.

With his denial, Simon had sinned grievously against his friend and Lord. Scripture is clear that he mourned his sin. Can you imagine doing this to your best friend and then having to live with the agony of regret for the rest of your life?

In God’s mercy, He doesn’t allow Peter to suffer. I don’t know what the conversation was; it was a very private interaction. Scripture doesn’t elaborate, but I can imagine.

Peter is likely shamefaced when Jesus appears to Him. Maybe he falls at Jesus’ feet, weeping once again. Maybe he collapses into Jesus’ arms. Maybe he begs for Jesus’ forgiveness.

Whatever happens, we know that Jesus forgives him. And their relationship is fully restored. And there’s nothing quite like a restored precious friendship.

And that’s exactly what happens to us when we repent to Jesus. When we acknowledge our sins and ask God to forgive us. He’s faithful and just to forgive them. Now. Just as He’s been doing for thousands of years.

What relief and joy Peter must have experienced at the restitution. Can you relate?

You feel clean, restored, refreshed. Your heart is unburdened. Life again has meaning and purpose.


  1. Then, while the Eleven and the other disciples are chattering about all that has happened, Jesus appears. Just shows up. No knocking on the door to be let in. He just materializes and gives them a familiar greeting, “Peace be with you.”

And wouldn’t you know it, even though Mary and Peter and those two Emmaus guys have already seen Him, Luke says, “They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost.”

Maybe Mary and the women, and the Emmaus walkers and Peter weren’t startled, but I suspect they were. At least a little bit.

How could they not be? While Jesus is real flesh and bone, clearly something remarkable has happened to Him to allow Him to come and go in an instant, to appear and disappear.

Have you ever experienced something that seemed just too good to be true? Something you saw or experienced with your own senses, but you kept second-guessing yourself? You just couldn’t get over the fact that it happened.

Imagine seeing a once bloodied, broken and dead body come back to life, and you get the idea. And who can blame them? I’m sure Jesus’ ability to just come and go like that took some getting used to.

But Jesus gently chides them when He says, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

Jesus provides proof. The nail holes haven’t disappeared. The lance-caused side wound remains. He actually invites them to look and touch and see. To be convinced.

To fully believe.

But, because they’re so overcome with joy (Wow! It’s really Him, isn’t it?); and amazed (How could He really be alive and back in our midst?!), they still aren’t fully convinced. Meaning, they probably wouldn’t stake their lives on it as they eventually end up doing.

Again, in His love and patience, Jesus asks, “Do you have anything to eat?” When they provide him with a piece of boiled fish, He took it and ate it right there in front of them. To further prove his flesh-and-bones existence.


  1. Jesus reiterates to them that He told them all about this when He was with them those three years—the prophecies about Him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. He opens their minds to understand all that’s been written. He says,

“This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sin will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.”


And then he gives them another promise, and directions:


“I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”


Power from on high? Who wouldn’t want to stick around for that!


Is there more in the forty days after the Resurrection?

In order to learn more about what transpires in those forty days, we need to jump over to the Book of Acts, where Dr. Luke expounds on the story.

In chapter 1 we read:


“After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’”


Verse six indicates by their question that they’re still hung up on the kingdom restoration to Israel thing, so He tells them, bluntly, that it’s none of their business when that’s going to happen. And then He tells them what they will be doing for Him:


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


In essence, He tells them that thy have a big job to do for Him. Others need to know about Him, and be offered salvation and restoration to God. And it’s going to be their responsibility to get evangelism kick-started.


Evidently that instruction comes on His very last day with them, after He led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, (as Dr. Luke reports in the last verses of his Gospel), when Jesus performs His final act upon the earth.


Jesus’ final act upon the earth—

Jesus has appeared. Jesus proves many times over—in front of a multitude of witness—that He was dead and is now alive.

He has forgiven. He has taught. He has given additional instructions. And now He performs His final, loving and encouraging act.

He lifts up His hands.

And blesses them.


What He said is not recorded, but we can be assured that His words were tender, loving, uplifting. Maybe something along the lines of probably the most famous benediction in Scripture:


“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26)


Maybe He personalized it by saying “I bless you and will keep you. I will make my face shine upon you, and be gracious to you…”


But perhaps it was more personal. These are, after all, the closest and dearest, most beloved friends He had during His life on earth. The men and women He had spent an intense and busy three years with. The people He’d joked with, laughed with, ate and camped outside with. The ones who knew Him best.

At least as well as one can possibly know the One who is fully God and fully man.

And in the midst of that blessing, while He’s blessing them, Jesus is elevated into heaven. Slipping through what is likely a thin veil between heaven and earth; returning to the Father in glory.

The Magnificent Ascension.

He leaves them again, this time with that blessing on their hearts and minds.

A glorious memory of their Lord to take and carry with them.


Luke then tells us in his Gospel that after He disappears, His followers begin worshipping Him. And they obey His directions by returning to Jerusalem with great joy. Not just a little joy, or a general kind of joy, but GREAT joy.

Once there they head to the temple, where they continually praise God.

A jump over to the first chapter of Acts gives us the full picture.

While Jesus is disappearing into the clouds, the disciples stand staring up into the sky. I can just see all of them standing in a clump, mouths open, heads back, eyes fastened on Jesus, and then those clouds. Maybe they could still hear His voice through the opaque mist.

Luke says they “were looking intently.”

Can’t you just see them, heads bent backward; eyes straining to see. Maybe they’re waiting Him to come back down to the earth. After all, He disappeared once, and then reappeared and disappeared and reappeared. Perhaps He would do it again.

It takes two angels dropped down to earth beside them to get them to re-focus.


“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into haven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”


That’s good enough for them. Nothing like a couple of suddenly-appearing guys dressed in bright white to get your attention. The disciples hit the road and head back to Jerusalem. To wait, as their Lord instructed.

They’ve learned well enough now to believe and to trust, and do as they’re told.

And do it with praise and worship in their hearts and on their lips.


What does this story have to say to us?

This is an amazing story. A true and living story.

It’s not a story of an indifferent God who put in His ministry time, suffered, got the reparation job done and then promptly returned home.

It’s the story of a loving God. A compassionate God. A God who seeks, and takes the first steps to forgive and restore.

A God that loves and longs to bless us!

The crushing pain and devastating loss at the crucifixion has been lifted and erased. There is no more sorrow. Only joy and worship and forward-looking living.

Jesus’ physical presence will soon be replaced with His spiritual one. The One that’s busy in the world right now—working, teaching, healing, saving, and leading.

Just exactly like the physical Son did while He was on earth.


I would caution you to not let your imagination run amuck, in haste to fill in what isn’t said in Scripture, but can you see yourself in this story? Can you hear Jesus’ words and actions; imagine yourself as a disciple?

Let me provide a few questions to get you started.


  1. Close your eyes and imagine all that Jesus said and did during that forty days. Imagine Him blessing His follower friends, and then imagine Him blessing you.
  2. When was the last time you asked Jesus for His blessing upon you and your life? Upon your day; upon a significant moment in time.

Take the time to do it right now. Lift your hands to the heavens to receive the blessing. And praise and worship Jesus for giving it. Rejoice, just as the disciples did that day in Bethany and Jerusalem.

  1. Spend a moment considering the characteristics that mark the disciples at this moment in their lives, at the end of Luke’s gospel and the opening of Acts.

They praise.

They worship.

They obey.

And then ask yourself: How much of my day, week, year, or life is or has been marked by praise?

If you’re lacking that component in your life, begin today.

If you’re not sure how to praise, ask the loving Savior to show and lead you.

If you need forgiveness, repent and ask Him to forgive you.

If you’re on the outside of that disciple circle looking in, and want to know how you become a part of it, take the steps needed to break through the circle.

Acknowledge that Jesus is the Savior, the Son of God. The Messiah, who took upon Himself the sins of all mankind, suffered and paid a penalty that you owed.

Ask Him to forgive you of your sins. If you aren’t sure what they are, ask Him to reveal them to you. He will.

Tell Him you want to be a follower, a child of God.

Ask Him to send the Holy Spirit to inhabit your heart so you are counted as one of God’s children.

Then offer praise and worship to the One who restores you from death to life and prepares a place for you to live in Heaven. The One who has given you hope and a future.


And rejoice!


Why are we looking at the Ascension right now, this long after Easter.

Because this Thursday, May 13, marks Ascension Day, the commemoration of the end of Jesus’ forty days son earth following His resurrection.

Consider it anew and what it means for you.

NEXT WEEK: We’ll continue the story with a look at Pentecost—the event that initiated the age of the Church. We’ll celebrate the anniversary.

Until then, praise, worship and obey.



“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

Andrea Arthur Owan, M.S., A.T., R., is a health and fitness pro, speaker, award-winning inspirational writer, memoirist, and senior-ordained chaplain (IFOC). She helps people thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually and recover from grief, loss and trauma.

Navigating Life’s Energy-Draining Paths

I’m sure most, if not all of you reading this post have experienced what I’m experiencing right now: a feeling of hanging in limbo. As though you’re unsure of your next move and have difficulty planning your days.

There are a lot of reasons I can point to for my annoying, energy and motivation-sapping funk.

  • We’re planning a trip to see our grandbaby, and I’m antsy to go on a vacation to see her.
  • We’re doing home projects to get our house ready to sell (we think), and I’m weary of projects.
  • The weekly spring Bible study I taught recently ended, and I’m missing gathering with my beloved friends something fierce. (I’m also missing the rigors of studying and preparing to teach too.)
  • Post-COVID infection brain fog isn’t helping, either. It’s not occurring as often as it did, but when it hits, I patiently ride it out and try to re-focus. I’m usually, but not always, successful.


But what has probably dampened my world the most is the fact that my mother is likely nearing the end of her earthly journey.


We thought it would happen last year, in early December when she was diagnosed with COVID and went from a fairly energetic ninety-eight-year old to a ninety-nine-year old (she turned 99 during her bout with COVID and never knew she had a birthday) who was just a shell of the woman she had been.

Since she, as many older people did, got hit especially hard with neurological symptoms, including hallucinations and catatonic spaciness, her dementia worsened. And she went from being able to walk with her walker to being bed-ridden.

Of course, because I wasn’t allowed to visit her, I didn’t witness the transition. I only got the daily updates by phone from her caregiver. I was on  the road with my husband to meet and hold our first grandchild. The worry and mental strain from wondering if I’d ever see my mother alive again weighed heavily on  me. And threatened to vacuum all of the giddy joy out of holding my brand new granddaughter.

I had to remind myself that this was no surprise to God; that He was in control; and that there was really nothing I could do, except pray and hope.

At the end of this post, I’ll include the devotional I wrote about this event for Guideposts’ Strength and Grace daily devotions bi-monthly magazine. (I highly recommend this devotional for all the caregivers you know. The truths and encouragement you glean from the devotions are wonderful. It’s always amazing to me to what God teaches us through trials and heartaches.)


But getting back to my mom and how she’s doing now.

She’s really winding down, but I suspect we’re still on a roller coaster ride. Last week all of us—including her hospice nurse—thought she only had days to live. But when Chris and I arrived last Sunday for a visit, she was sitting up in the recliner, looking pretty alert. The day before, she chatted up a storm for a couple of hours, even though she was in bed.

Last Friday my afternoon activity was visiting the mortuary staff to make some decisions ahead of time, in case she takes her leave while I’m visiting my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

I can tell God is preparing my heart. I’m already shedding tears and coming to grips with the reality that I’ll be an “orphan,” without siblings to share long-ago memories.

That will be hard. And a little scary, I think.

I’ll have to chat with my aunt about that one. She’s also an only child and lost her parents years ago. At least she’ll be able to empathize and commiserate.


I’m sure all of these factors are contributing to my blah mental state and writer’s block. I’m trying to be patient with myself, recognize what’s swirling around me, lean into it, abiding in our gracious, loving Lord, and gaining perspective and strength from that abiding.

Which brings me to another reason

Post-Easter letdown.

The emotional, spiritual, and often physical investment of the forty days of Lent, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and then the rousing celebrating on Easter Sunday can result in a kind of let-down feeling. As though it all happened, and now it’s over, and a feeling of “what now?” niggles your spirit.

But if we look at what happened after the Resurrection, which we started to explore on April 19 post, we can see all that was going on with Jesus and His disciples and really bask in the joy of our salvation and future hope.

And that’s where we’ll be heading next week. To walk with Jesus’ followers, eavesdrop on their conversations. Try to feel their hearts as they encounter the risen Lord and learn what comes next in their lives.

And to witness the compassion and love of Jesus for His friends.

So, until the next post, which is scheduled to publish at 1:00 AM May 10 (I’m returning to Monday releases), may your heart be full of godly perspective and hope as you walk curvy, hilly and rocky paths of life!



“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

Andrea Arthur Owan, M.S., A.T., R., is a health and fitness pro, speaker, award-winning inspirational writer, memoirist, and senior-ordained chaplain (IFOC). She helps people thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually and recover from grief, loss and trauma.

When Dreams, Hopes, and Trust are Shattered

HAVE YOU EVER desired something so strongly you believed without a doubt it would happen, or that you’d most certainly get it? Have you ever been so convinced of something that you just knew it had to be true without question?

Have you ever placed so much trust in someone that you had unshakeable faith that they were who they claimed to be?


And how did you feel when your hopes, dreams and trust were shattered?


The Pain of Shattered Belief and Trust—

Having your trust and belief destroyed often causes the greatest emotional, spiritual and physical pain you could ever suffer. Living life sold out on a belief takes energy and time. When that belief is shattered, you’re shattered physically, emotionally and spiritually right along with it.

It sends you spiraling into grief and disorientation. It leaves you wondering if anything you ever did believe is true.

You don’t know where to go from here. You might be afraid to go anywhere from here, to take the next step forward. To keep on living.


That’s kind of how I imagine those two pilgrim disciples that had a visitor join them on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus three days after Jesus’ crucifixion.

Tired. Deeply grieved. Disoriented.


Until they have their eyes open by the very One they’re grieving over.

And everything in their world changes.


Re-directing your thinking—

Let’s take a brief look at this Road to Emmaus story, which you can find in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24.

The two poor, dejected guys are headed to the town of Emmaus, located about seven miles from Jerusalem. We aren’t told why they were in Jerusalem, but if they’re Jewish, I’m going to guess they had been there for Passover and perhaps were on their way home.

Based on what the text says they’re talking about—“talking about everything that had happened” about the crucifixion—it seems clear they were followers of Jesus, or were, at the very least, convinced that Jesus was The One, the Jews’ promised Messiah.

They knew about Him, believed in Him. Rejoiced that the Christ had finally come to break the Roman chains of bondage and set them free. To set up God’s kingdom on earth.

And now that hoped-for, arrived, believed-in Messiah is dead. And all those dreams and beliefs have been shattered.

But they’ve heard the story the women have started spreading around, that they’ve seen Jesus alive again. That He’s been resurrected. Clearly these men are confused.

Either way, they’re not sticking around to get the facts. (Probably their first big error—dejection, resignation and impatience.) They’re leaving Jerusalem, lamenting together on their pilgrim journey. No doubt commiserating and making their frustration and grief worse.

Then some stranger shows up on the road to sort of eavesdrop on their conversation. And then join them in the discussion. They don’t recognize Jesus because, as the text says, …”they are kept from recognizing him.”

They don’t see because—by God’s design—their eyes aren’t open to the truth. (That’s something to note as we continue.)

Jesus asks them what they’re discussing. The text then says that the two “stood still, their faces downcast.”

Look up the word “downcast,” and you’ll find a slew of depressing-sounding synonyms, like:

  • despondent
  • disheartened
  • discouraged
  • dispirited
  • hopeless
  • crestfallen
  • despairing
  • morose
  • wretched
  • sad
  • pessimistic


These two guys are in bad shape emotionally and spiritually. Sick at heart and in body.

And knowing the Savior, I can imagine He feels tenderhearted and compassionate toward them. But before He reveals Himself, He needs to give them a classroom and life lesson.

Just like He sometimes has to do with us. We need to have our ears open to listen well, to connect the dots, before our eyes can be opened to see.

But let’s do some eavesdropping ourselves by reading the text, right after one of the men, named Cleopas responds to Jesus’ question “What things?” with kind of a knee jerk response, giving the reader the impression that he thinks Jesus must be kind of dense if He doesn’t know or hasn’t at least heard about what’s transpired the last week.


“About Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. (Notice they both reply to Jesus’ question. I can almost hear them saying it vehemently in unison, maybe waving their arms around for drama. Like, what’s wrong with you?) “He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place. In addition, some of our women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning but didn’t find his body. Thy came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but him they did not see.”


Jesus listens. And then he chastises them for their ignorance; for their misinterpretation of why Messiah came and what He was to accomplish; their disregard for the prophets who foretold his coming and suffering. They’ve misread, misinterpreted, misjudged, dismissed or willfully altered the truth to fit their own, hoped-for narrative. Their conjured up Messiah was not the Messiah the prophets foretold. At least not on His first coming. The conquering Jesus will show up. But that comes later. After all of the world is told about Him.

Even with the stern lesson, Jesus still doesn’t allow them to recognize Him—until they convince Him to stay the night at the house they arrive at, and sit down to eat. It’s when Jesus breaks bread that their eyes are open, and they realize who He is.

But as soon as they do recognize Him, he disappears from their sight.

At that point they’re ecstatic.


Have you ever been so excited and pumped up at a revelation about something or someone that you can’t contain your joy? Well, that’s how excited they are—that the Scriptures suddenly make perfect sense, and with their own eyes they have seen the risen Lord! Their beliefs, hopes and dreams have been restored!

I can only imagine what seeing a dead body come to life and walking around must do to your brain and emotions.


Cleopas and his buddy didn’t eat. They hopped up from the table and sprinted the 7 miles back to Jerusalem, to meet with the Eleven remaining disciples and tell them all they’d experienced. And to confirm what the women had seen. Since Simon Peter has already been face-to-face with Jesus, I’m sure he’s told the others about it. But this is just another eyewitness validation that it’s true.

The fact that Jesus was dead, buried and resurrected.

And now they understand: Jesus is their hoped-for Christ.

He just didn’t meet their expectations the first time around.

That happens a lot with false and misguided expectations.


When false expectations are the reason for our shattered hope—

And isn’t that what often happens to us?

Maybe we misinterpret intentions and blame the fallout of those misinterpretations on another person.

Maybe we let our agenda get in the way of truth, or obstruct it entirely.

Maybe we’re the ones who willfully ignore the teachings and signs and set ourselves up for heartbreak and failure.

We can really do a lot of damage to our lives when we head down our own Emmaus paths, giving up. Downcast head and eyes. Doubting the facts. Losing faith in something or someone we should have given the benefit of the doubt to.

We need to be on the lookout for those times. Snuff out the doubts before they fester or take root.

This story is wonderful, because Jesus could have let Cleopas and his buddy wallow in turmoil, let them, somehow, figure it out on their own. Stumble along until they came to believe the “rumors.”

But He didn’t. Instead, in His great mercy and compassion, Jesus met them on the road and opened their eyes and hearts.

And He’ll do that for us too.


But even though He’ll come to us in our frailty and weakness, there is something to be learned and nurtured from this story.

As points out as to the question of why Jesus waited to reveal Himself to them,

“Many scholars believe this parallels the discernment process for many of us. Sometimes, when we cannot understand something, we gather information. Then it must settle within our hearts. Only when we have fully ‘digested’ what we’ve learned, allowed it to sink in, does the truth come out.”

And why Jesus waited until the meal to open their eyes may have something to do with who He is, and the setting. He often didn’t preach until after he fed people; and often a relaxed setting, like a meal, can warm and open people’s hearts to hearing and understanding.

And Jesus does call them “foolish” and “slow” to understand Scripture. It sounds harsh, but it’s true and needed to be said. know I’ve been foolish and slow on many occasions.

Jesus wants them to have discernment. And He wants them to have faith.

Having faith in the right Person and having the right hope is like a precious jewel we need to hang onto, even when life’s circumstances and events tempt us to throw it away.

It’s a gift we must never take for granted.

And we need to exercise it in every area of life. We need to earnestly seek Him.



Is there an Emmaus road you’ve been walking down—forlorn, questioning and dejected? Maybe it’s time that you ask Jesus to open your eyes to truth and run back where you came from. So you don’t miss the reunion and celebration!

Has Jesus been knocking at your heart’s door? There is no better time than the present to open up that door and invite Him in, to sit and stay with you—and open your eyes!

Until next week, pursue truth and keep your eyes up and on the final prize!



“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

Andrea Arthur Owan, M.S., A.T., R., is a health and fitness pro, speaker, award-winning inspirational writer, memoirist, and senior-ordained chaplain (IFOC). She helps people thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually and recover from grief, loss and trauma.

What is your Future Hope?

What is your greatest hope? Is it world peace? An end to this pandemic and returning to “normal?” A medical test telling you your cancer is gone?

At any point in our lives we may be focusing on one particular “hope,” driven by something pressing in on us. There was a time in my life when my marriage had suffered some pretty hefty relational earthquake cracks, and all I could focus on was hoping (and praying) the cracks would be repaired and the relationship restored. (By God’s grace, it was.)

At that point in my life, the rope knot that kept me hanging on was “love hopes all things.” Love is the knot that keeps you hanging on. It’s the knot that allows us to look into the future.

The future that Love gave us.

And that’s what this season of Easter is about.

Love. Perfect love. Earthshaking, paradigm shifting, life-altering Love.

The kind of love that prompts the God of the Universe to look upon mankind in pain and sympathy and send His only Son down to the inhabited orb to provide a way for mankind to be—if they so choose—restored to Him and look forward to a time when the Earth will be renewed and eternal life established and granted. When every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.


A future, Heavenly hope.


That’s what the Resurrection gave and still gives us.


Nothing else on Earth comes close to that kind of promise.


Are you looking forward to that time? Do you have that kind of hope in your heart?

I pray you can answer “Yes!” to those two questions. If you can, I know you’re rejoicing at the promise that will someday be fulfilled.

If you’re unsure, or waffling, or wish you knew more, I invite and encourage you to watch these videos by Alistair Begg. They’re short, informative and uplifting.


And they could change your life by planting you on the road to eternal hope.


Christ has died.

Christ is Risen.

Christ will come again!!

To watch Pastor Begg’s short videos, paste this link into your browser and click on “The Story,” and the other two videos.

And then sing your heart out!





Until next week, may you rest secure in the future hope God has already given you—the Eternal Light that shines in the darkness.



“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

Andrea Arthur Owan, M.S., A.T., R., is a health and fitness pro, speaker, award-winning inspirational writer, memoirist, and senior-ordained chaplain (IFOC). She helps people thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually and recover from grief, loss and trauma.