Doing a 2018 Health and Wellness Checkup and Planning for 2019

Even though Christmas 2018 is now in the annals, you’re undoubtedly looking ahead already to 2019 and all that you hope to accomplish in the New Year. And maybe thinking about what you didn’t accomplish that you hoped to in the outgoing year.



Did you achieve your health and fitness goals for the year?


I would recommend you don’t spend too much time dwelling on the areas where you missed the mark. Instead, I encourage you to look forward to what you hope to accomplish and how you plan to get there.

Be realistic, and hopeful.

Spend some time thinking seriously about what your priorities will be, and commit those to the Lord in prayer. He may have different (better) plans for you.

Think improvements and changes in bite-sized increments, not huge chunks or grandiose changes that are certain to make your brain rebel.


And make sure you write them down, read them often, and post them in a place where you can regularly read them. People who actually write down their goals are far more likely to achieve them!

I recommend starting with no more than three. If you accomplish those, then you can add a few more. Or, if necessary, alter or adjust what you did plan for.


Personal successes and failures—

Even though my beloved and I managed to scale the Pyrenees in our Camino de Santiago journey, I certainly—for a variety of reasons—fell short of my hopes.

I ended up having a major surgical procedure that curtailed my training. That added to the difficulty I had on the Camino, with my bad knees giving out on me.

Old, athletic injuries from decades ago were aggravated and are still hampering not only my workouts but also my daily life.

A bone spur removal surgery before Thanksgiving has further irritated my knees and slowed me down. But the surgery was worth it, and I’m already have much less difficulty with the range of motion in that toe. That will help my gait, which was severely compromised.

But even with the stumbles and failures, I’m looking forward to 2019 and the health and wellness program I hope to implement, like:


  • More outdoor exercise in a variety of settings—hiking, walking, cycling, swimming, canoeing and camping.
  • A probable regenerative procedure in March or April that will (hopefully) restore cartilage health to my knees! I’ll be filling you in on the process as I prepare for and undergo it.
  • Building a large vegetable garden area in our backyard, something we’ve wanted to do for a long time. But gardening in the Southwest is challenging (we refer to it out here as Blast Furnace Gardening); and what the sun and wind don’t burn and whither, the wildlife devour. So that means fences, netting and shade cloth. We’re already in the planning and preparatory stages. (Yes, this does fall under the heading of health and wellness, for several reasons. I’ll cover those as I keep you up-to-date about our successes, and failures.)


And I have a lot of current topics planned for you too! Like:

  • The Benefits of Low Impact Exercise
  • Blue Zone Living Methods
  • Exercises to help you Maintain Your Balance
  • Cognitive Exercises and Brain Beneficial Supplements
  • How to Effectively Re-train Your Brain to Change Your (Negative) Habits
  • and More!

I’m excited to share all of this with you in the new year; and I hope you’re looking forward with excitement to the changes—big and little—you can make to enhance your health and fitness,


so you can live a better, more balanced—and energetic—life!


Happy end of 2018!! (Make sure you celebrate what went well!)



May you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 2).