5 Ways to Avoid Stress-Eating

I’m actually on my way to the great Northwest to attend the wedding of my older son’s best friend. He spent a lot of time at our house throughout their college years and is like a nephew to us. After the wedding, we’ll be exploring the area and then driving south to visit relatives. We’re excited.

But we’ll be confronted with a dilemma, one many people confront when they’re traveling or attending celebrations.


We need to keep a close eye on our nutrition plan while we’re away.


We don’t want to do any stress eating, any lazy eating, any “just this once” eating and then watch our waistlines enlarge and our clothes tighten.

To that end, we’ll have to maintain some self control, and frequently remind ourselves just how lousy we feel when we break down and eat something we know gives us problems, that will likely make us sick, and regretting that we ever opened our mouths and poked the food inside.


Just as I’m about to fly away, Harvard Health hits my email inbox with an article on how to avoid Stress Eating. I’m going to share some of the highlights with you. Hopefully it will help all of us as we work, play, and celebrate!


5 ways to manage, and avoid, stress-triggered eating—


  1. Make sleep a priority!

This is SO important for your health. Get 7 – 9 hours of good, restful sleep each night. Try to make your bedtimes and wake times as consistent as possible, even on the weekends. Stop watching television or using screen technology at least an hour before bedtime. Use the bedtime function on your smart phone and stick to it, with the screen switching to a warm color a couple of hours prior to going to bed and staying that way until the wake up music goes off.

For the last couple of weeks, Chris and I have been making a point of shutting down the electronics at least an hour before bed, grabbing a book and reading until 10:00, our designated in-bed time. The positive effects have been amazing! We’re enjoying the quiet and proximity to one another, and the melatonin cranks up in the limited light, preparing our bodies for a restful sleep.


  1. Take some time to meditate on how you view your work/life situation and what about it makes you stressful

Going through this process is about identifying whether or not you can change your response to any stress in your family or work life. Maybe you need to add more meditation to your life, learn how to take deep breaths and not get so wrapped up in life or work drama. Finding a support group—for over-eating—is also helpful.


3. Plan ahead for potentially stressful times

Know you intend to overeat at the holidays, or when a big report or presentation is due at work? Take some extra self-defense steps to curtail the eating. Keep healthful snacks around, make sure you focus on the work or event and don’t procrastinate about the time it will take to prepare. Design stress-reducing activities for the holidays, and resist over loading yourself during these high-stress times.


  1. Burn off the tension, or take your frustrations out on the gym equipment or pavement

Make sure you stick to your exercise regimen and don’t let others or their schedules squeeze out your exercise. Like sleep, exercise helps keep your fat-accumulating hormone (cortisol) at bay and your brain alert and healthy. Exercise needs to be a non-negotiable.


  1. Consider a doctor consult or counselor who can talk you through it and give you some great options for behavior modification

If, after all of the first 4 ideas and practices fail (and you’ve given them a honest, focused shot), it might be time to get some professional help.


BONUS TIP: If you struggle in this area, make sure you always take your burden to the Lord in prayer. It is helpful to pray in any situation where you feel stressed or weak, or on the verge of caving in to temptation. God stands ready to come to your aid and provide you a way out!


Good luck, and I’ll meet you back here October 2!




Andrea Arthur Owan is an award-winning inspirational writer, fitness pro and chaplain. She writes and works to help people live their best lives—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Surviving the Holidays with Conscientious Eating

What’s the one thing most of us have in common during the Thanksgiving to Christmas holiday window?

Want a hint?


Not a surprise, is it? All of those delectable goodies: the rich desserts, the fatty dressings, company parties, family gatherings, Aunt Bee’s 1000 calories a piece family heirloom recipe, and on and on. You feel obligated to indulge and out of control. You excuse it as okay because you’re going to turn over a new eating leaf in 2019.


As we rev up to Thanksgiving this month and then into Christmas in six weeks, maintaining healthful eating habits and not gaining an extra five to ten pounds that will likely not come off next year, we’re going to wade into the conscientious eating waters here on Workout Wednesdays.

Just exactly what does conscientious eating mean?

It’s not just conscious eating, as you’re probably familiar with. Living consciously is a big topic these days. It goes beyond that.

It means not just being conscious of what or how you’re eating, but being conscientious about the food choices you make.

Specifically, we’re going to look closely at how eating affects your mental health, body inflammation levels and brain, especially the aging brain.


Last month I had the opportunity to attend a great educational program on conscientious eating.

One of the sad facts we learned is that the US life expectancy hasn’t improved much in the past several decades, and the major determinant in improving life expectancy was the introduction of antibiotics after World War II.

And although the longevity age seems to be eking up, much of that may be due to available medicine.

An ugly statistic we must face is that the United States ranks 34th on the longevity list, tied with Cuba.

Not a pretty picture.


Country Comparisons

One thing both Chris and I noticed when we returned from Europe was just how overweight Americans are. I knew the statistics, but the glaring fatness and sluggishness of Americans couldn’t be missed, or ignored.


Just why is that? And does that heavily influence our poor longevity status?

I think there are a lot of contributors to our obese status, and we’ll look at several of those. But we’ll focus primarily on what you can do—as a consumer and as a person concerned about your health, your lifestyle, and your overall fitness and energy levels—to improve your health, lose weight without going on some special six-week caloric restriction diet, and reduce your chances of serious illness.

We’ll really delve into the woes of the Western diet and why we need to care about inflammation in the body, what it means for your overall present and future health.


Want to feel good mentally, physically and spiritually on January 2? Then meet me back here next week when we start our conscientious eating focus!


Pre-holiday checklist:

Until then, go through your cabinets, pantry and refrigerator to get an idea of how many products you purchase that contain sugar, added sugar and ingredients like fructose and high fructose corn syrup. This includes any kind of sugar, even if it’s raw or evaporated cane source. What percentage of your overall food intake does it constitute? (Make sure you examine ingredients in every processed food, frozen, fresh or canned.)




May you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 2).