What is your Future Hope?

What is your greatest hope? Is it world peace? An end to this pandemic and returning to “normal?” A medical test telling you your cancer is gone?

At any point in our lives we may be focusing on one particular “hope,” driven by something pressing in on us. There was a time in my life when my marriage had suffered some pretty hefty relational earthquake cracks, and all I could focus on was hoping (and praying) the cracks would be repaired and the relationship restored. (By God’s grace, it was.)

At that point in my life, the rope knot that kept me hanging on was “love hopes all things.” Love is the knot that keeps you hanging on. It’s the knot that allows us to look into the future.

The future that Love gave us.

And that’s what this season of Easter is about.

Love. Perfect love. Earthshaking, paradigm shifting, life-altering Love.

The kind of love that prompts the God of the Universe to look upon mankind in pain and sympathy and send His only Son down to the inhabited orb to provide a way for mankind to be—if they so choose—restored to Him and look forward to a time when the Earth will be renewed and eternal life established and granted. When every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.


A future, Heavenly hope.


That’s what the Resurrection gave and still gives us.


Nothing else on Earth comes close to that kind of promise.


Are you looking forward to that time? Do you have that kind of hope in your heart?

I pray you can answer “Yes!” to those two questions. If you can, I know you’re rejoicing at the promise that will someday be fulfilled.

If you’re unsure, or waffling, or wish you knew more, I invite and encourage you to watch these videos by Alistair Begg. They’re short, informative and uplifting.


And they could change your life by planting you on the road to eternal hope.


Christ has died.

Christ is Risen.

Christ will come again!!

To watch Pastor Begg’s short videos, paste this link into your browser and click on “The Story,” and the other two videos.

And then sing your heart out!





Until next week, may you rest secure in the future hope God has already given you—the Eternal Light that shines in the darkness.



“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

Andrea Arthur Owan, M.S., A.T., R., is a health and fitness pro, speaker, award-winning inspirational writer, memoirist, and senior-ordained chaplain (IFOC). She helps people thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually and recover from grief, loss and trauma.