After Coronavirus: Fear, Lockdowns, Hope and Rebuilding Lives

Has life changed for you during this coronavirus pandemic and the lockdowns?

Will your life ever return to normal?

Should it?


All our lives have changed since this coronavirus pandemic started sweeping across the globe. Some of our lives have changed a little; some have changed dramatically. And some have been upended.

And the question on everyone’s mind is: where do we go from here?


Unanswered questions—

Although we’ve been bombarded with opinions, I’m not sure there’s a person alive—including scientists, business owners, or politicians—that know the answer to the question: where do we go from here?

The scientists have their hammer that bangs us on the head with curve flattening mandates, finding therapies, developing vaccines, and not returning to normal until all of that has been accomplished.

The economists’ hammer bangs on the stock market and fears of investors, businesses and nations and signs that economies are collapsing and might never be able to recover.

Fear. Fear. Fear.

When you instill fear, you control the masses.

When you’re afraid, you make decisions based on fear. And fear-driven decisions usually carry poor, or even catastrophic consequences.

We need to take a deep breath, stop watching and listening to media that thrive on villains and catastrophes, and do some serious thinking, praying, and planning.


What does the future hold?

There was a moment for many when they wondered if they’d experienced their all-is-lost moment. That point they knew without a shadow of a doubt that life was never going to be the same for them, or anyone else. They looked into the black hole of life’s future and saw, well, a black hole.

And today I’m going to ask a hard question. A question I’ve asked myself, and one my husband and I have been pondering.

Should our lives return to normal?


Your personal future—

I think we’re all thinking about our futures. What they hold and what they’ll look like. What we’ve lost. What we had and will have to give up.

And some of us are scared by the vision.


My husband’s company is already running the algorithms to discern whether the curve-flattening calculations lined up (I’ll let you know that answer later); and figuring out the best way to return the employees to a safe work environment.

They’re incorporating things like rolling starts, with some employees returning soon and others later. Right now my husband might not return to the physical plant for another 18 months.

And they’re looking at mandatory workplace practices like wearing masks, making sure employees can maintain safe (social) distances during work. Some people working on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; others might work longer hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

They’ve been contact tracing—figuring out who a sick person has come in contact with during their work day, and testing his contacts—since the beginning, and that practice will likely continue.

While my husband is thrilled at the prospect of working from home for another 18 months, a lot of his co-workers are not. They’ve had enough of it, with their kids and spouses in the same house all day. They’re bored. They don’t know what to do with themselves.


My husband and I can, and can’t, understand that.

It seemed like a great time to connect with family. Of course, as a former home schooling family, we’re well aware of the obstacles, frustrations, and deep learning curve you transcend in the initial home school transition, being both teacher and parent, and keeping kids challenged, focused, entertained, learning, and reasonably happy.

So we empathize with everyone that got dropkicked into the paradigm.

As for me, I’ve been doing what I was doing prior to the stay-at-home orders: writing in isolation in my study, staring through my French doors and picture windows at the backyard wildlife and budding flowers for inspiration, and meeting with writing and Bible study groups on ZOOM.

Of course ZOOMing with your groups isn’t the same as meeting in person and sharing the energy of writing and critiquing, and hugging and listening, but there have been benefits to it.

For introverts, this lockdown thing has been a boon.

For extroverts whose spirits are shriveling from lack of personal and group contact, not so much.

But none of us want to be stuck in a life of failed dreams, regrets and fears.


Moving from fear to peace—

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by scary, all-over-the-map emotions, I want to help you move from fear to peace. From insecurity to security. From doubt to trust. From despair to fear.

When looking at your future, what do you see?

If we rephrase that, we can ask: what do I want and hope to see?


Because it really is about hope. Hope in our future. And while our futures may not look like we thought they were going to look at the beginning of the year, we can make sure they’re still full of hope and purpose.

When we take the current paradigm that in some ways looks like that big black yawning hole, or misty fog, we can re-work it to paint a picture. A lovely one that allows us to make the best of the days and times we have.

That allows us to look at these times as a gift to be enjoyed and treasured.

A time to ask the Lord what He’s preparing us for, and what we can learn while navigating the valleys.



An ancient story that gives tips for our present one—

Several thousand years ago, a little nation faced a similar, gargantuan challenge. More than a challenge, really. A devastating destruction of their homeland and their dreams and hopes for their future, businesses, and families.

It was the nation Israel, and God had decided to use an evil neighboring nation to discipline them. (Israel had fallen away from the promises they’d make to God about living the way He wanted them to. They were overrun with immoral behavior and unfair, deceitful business practices and had grown fat, arrogant hearts.)

I can imagine they thought their 70 years of captivity (3 generations) spelled a death knell for their nation, and for each of them personally. They were likely horrified, and terrified. Prospects for any kind of fruitful, enjoyable living looked bleak.

But God wasn’t blind or deaf to their pain, and He instructed His prophet Jeremiah to give some encouragement to these exiled people:


Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons; and give your daughters in marriage; that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease. But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jer. 29:5-7).


I believe we can use this instruction as encouragement right now. Lift out the important directives and you have a list of positive, action-oriented words.

A to-do list for living, and multiplying, and prospering. Things you can build hope and a future on.

  • Build
  • Live
  • Plant
  • Eat
  • Get married
  • Encourage your kids to marry
  • Have babies
  • Encourage your kids to marry and have babies, to produce another generation
  • Multiply
  • DO NOT decrease.
  • Seek the welfare of the city in which you’re living, (no matter what the circumstances).
  • Pray to God on the city’s behalf, so
  • You can enjoy the welfare the city enjoys.


God didn’t want His people to shrink back, stagnate, wallow in despair over what they lost and didn’t have, and disappear.

He wanted them to THRIVE.

And I think He’s calling us to do the very same right now, in the midst of the dire warnings, the fears, the hammer slinging and smashing.

He doesn’t want us to shrink back, stagnate, or wallow in despair over what we’ve lost and might not regain.


So whom will you heed?

The fear-mongers?

Or the God who loves and gives and guides and directs?


No matter how long this pandemic goes on, I’m fairly certain God wants you to settle in, raise your family, be fruitful, be a valuable member of your community, and prosper!


Confronting realities—

I know many of us will have tremendous difficulties regrouping and planning futures. They may take some time to re-establish.

For others, we feel as though we were living the good life, minding our business and then abruptly flattened on the sidewalk of life. Unable to peel ourselves off the pavement and keep going. We’ve lost our jobs, our paychecks, our resources.

Or we’ve had to say goodbye to family members through remote funerals.

Some of it seems too overwhelming to confront or think about.

In order to emerge from the mess, right our family’s life and us, and build, multiply and prosper, it may take time.

But what better time than now to take stock of our time and our talents, pray for guidance, and formulate new plans? To build and architect hopes for a new future.

As author Dr. Jeff Meyers says in his new book Unanswered Questions, we are “no more than one heartbeat away from eternity.”

And that’s true for all of us.

And because of that, each day—each moment—should be regarded and treated as a gift. As Dr. Meyers emphasizes, it will “change the way we think about God, other people, and, well, everything.”

With Christ in your heart and at the helm of your life and thoughts, meaning will emerge out of fear, hopelessness and emptiness.


The future—

A recent ministry newsletter I received pointed out that in the best-case scenario, there will likely be genuine and serious challenges for many of us as a result of what happened.

And even in the worst-case scenario, our God and King is still in control, and our hope has ever been in Him, not in the situations and circumstances of this world.*

And they highlighted one of my favorite Bible verses; one I’ve leaned on innumerable times in scary situations:

“Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Those algorithm results—

So what did data experts in my husband’s company discover from examining the infamous modeling we’ve heard and seen in numerous news reports?

That the curve flattening data and numbers didn’t weren’t lining up. The results weren’t validating the projections.

But does that really matter now that businesses and jobs are lost, that lives are in shambles, and life has been drastically altered?


We can’t rewind the clock three months and request a do-over. We need to take what we’ve been given today and make the most of it.

We need to ask: Where do we go from here? What do we need? What do our family, city, state and nation need? And how can we contribute to those needs?

The sooner we ask and answer these questions, the better off we’ll be, and the better headed in the right direction to rebuild our futures. And to prosper in them.




I invite you to ask yourself some of the same questions my family and I are exploring.

  1. What does my life look like now, and what would I want it to look like next month, by year’s end? Next year?
  2. Given my circumstances right now, how can I achieve that vision? (And how could I change my circumstances to make the achievement more likely?)
  3. What research do I need to do, what counselors do I need to seek out to help me achieve those goals and make that vision vivid and real?
  4. How can we build, plant, eat, multiply, bless, pray and contribute to prosperity so we can all prosper? (Have a brainstorming session and write down ideas. Don’t be afraid to dream, like you did when you were a kid. And don’t knock any ideas you write down. You can evaluate them in a few days or weeks to decide which ones are most important to you and doable.)
  5. If I have the time (and health), whom can I help or volunteer with? If I have the financial resources, whom can I support or lift up with my resources?
  6. Is there anything good I experienced during the lockdown that I would like to continue in the future?


NEXT WEEK: We’ve all had some dreams fritter away, abruptly evaporate, or be put on hold due to COVID-19 and the lockdowns. Rather than ignore them, it’s important to identify and validate the emotions this life-altering pandemic has unleashed. And grieve losses of all types.

I’ll be giving you tips for accepting and being comfortable with those emotions and grieving those losses.

You won’t want to miss this valuable post!

Until then,

pray, plan, build, multiply, bless, and prosper.


Andrea Arthur Owan, M.S., A.T., R., is a fitness pro, chaplain, and award-winning inspirational writer. She works and writes to help people recover from grief and loss and to live their best lives — physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

*Jews for Jesus April newsletter

Coronavirus: Fear, Quarantine, Freedom and Peace

Is Coronavirus fear driving you to rebellion and protest or forcing you to hide—fearful and anxiety-ridden—indoors?

Fear drives us to do some pretty irrational things—like reacting rather than thinking and acting prayerfully, intelligently, and purposefully; throwing all caution to the wind and taking unnecessary chances; or—in this case—driving us to turn our homes into quarantine cells.

Where are you right now?


Reacting, thinking and planning?

Hiding, or rebelling?

Paralyzed by fear or crying for freedom?


And why?


Stopping and thinking COVID-19 fear through—

Now, maybe more than ever in some of our lives, it’s critical for us to make the right decisions. The stakes are high.

Unfortunately, with all the conflicting data we’re bombarded with (if you’re paying attention to the bombardment; which, by the way, only heightens the fear), it’s difficult to know who to listen to. What to believe.

While God tells us it’s important to have a multitude of counselors, varying and conflicting opinions abound. We’re not sure who those wise counselors are that we should heed right now.

Our orderly worlds have been destabilized, and we’re searching for ways to right them again.

But there are stakes involved. For everyone.


What are the stakes for you?

Individual and Collective Considerations—

Each of us needs to look at our individual situation. How can we best get through this time emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially?

To figure that out, here are some of the serious questions we might ask ourselves:

Am I out of work and needing to support our family?

Do extended family members need physical or emotional help?

Do I and my family need help?

If my income is stable and I’m able to work from home, is it worth forcing a return to normal—maybe too quickly—and risking exposing high-risk friends, family or feeble elderly to my (possibly) asymptomatic condition? Risk getting the vulnerable sick.

Could my outdoor protests risk taxing an already-overwhelmed hospital and exhausted medical staff? Am I showing by my actions that I don’t really care as much as I say I do about those front line workers? Or my neighbors.

Do I have that “elective” cancer surgery when delaying it puts me at even greater risk of waiting too long and succumbing to the cancer—that didn’t go on hiatus for the virus?


Or maybe you’re thinking:

I’ve examined all my options. I didn’t qualify for a small business loan, or got turned down, and I need to work to provide for my family. That relief check is only going to take me so far.

I really want to go to the beach, and the Constitution guarantees my right to peaceably assemble there with my like-minded friends.

I have a right to assemble, so I’m going to show up at the governor’s mansion armed to the teeth with a show of firepower force to prove it. Intimidation. That’s the ticket.


In his first letter to Timothy, (1:2-3), the Apostle Paul says that we need to pray for our leaders so we can live peaceful and quiet lives. That’s the main goal here.

Living in peace.

Paul says that goal is good and pleases God our Savior.

I can live in peace as long as someone allows me to earn wages to support myself and my family, pay whatever taxes the government extracts, travel to, from and when and where I desire, and be allowed to worship and practice my religion “in godliness and holiness.”


I’m not making a political statement here. And I’m not going to divulge what I think about the lockdown and quarantine “laws.”

What I am encouraging everyone to do is to ask themselves the right questions:

What is my personal situation; and what are the stakes?

Know what they are for you, and for your community.


We are individuals with rights. But we are also part of a larger tribe. Americans like to think of themselves as country-driven, until something runs up against their personal rights and independence.


What to do about our paralyzing COVID fear?

This isn’t about “us” versus “them.” And it isn’t about shaking our fists at the virus, or the authorities, and demanding our rights.

This is about seeking out the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God who loves us, knows all about the ins and outs of this virus, cares for our pain and fear, and wants us to enjoy peace in the midst of this storm.

I know that’s sometimes easier said than done. But it’s the truth. If we earnestly seek out God and ask, He’ll gracious give us the kind of peace we need to get through this.


Why should you ask for and receive peace?

We should ask God for peace because research indicates that those who enjoy that personal, calming and fulfilling relationship with the Lord—particularly followers of Jesus Christ—are suffering less anxiety, fear and depression during this COVID “crisis,” and the unbelievers are suffering more.

We can win this fear battle. We can tamp down reactive rebellion. If we’re able to stay home, we can view it as a time of rest and joy rather than a time of prison.

How do I know that?

Because I had to experience something similar to this 25 years ago.

Assessing my personal stakes—

A little over 25 years ago, I was confined to bed during my pregnancy with my younger son. Completely confined. No getting up and meandering into the kitchen for a snack. No sitting up to relieve the hip and backache.

No freedom.

And I couldn’t even lie flat. My legs, pelvis and chest had to be propped up higher than my head to relieve the pressure on my cervix, which had been sewn shut after I went into premature labor at 22 weeks.

For three months I was only allowed to get up to walk to the bathroom—four steps away. The only exercise I got was contracting my calves to point my toes to reduce the risk of getting blood clots in my legs. I gingerly maneuvered my increasing bulk from one side to the other to avoid getting pressure sores on my hips.

Because my digestive tract shut down a week into the quarantine, my meals were reduced to canned spinach, orange juice, sauerkraut juice, and Ensure. (Yum!) My husband bought it by the carton loads.

I was scared I was going to lose another baby to a high-risk pregnancy problem.

But I was determined to give it my best shot. I counted the cost—the stakes.

They were very high indeed.

Stay in bed and improve my chances of giving birth at full term to a healthy baby.

Or push the envelope, get up when I felt like it, and risk losing it all.

Four months didn’t seem too long, until I parked myself in that bed.

Every day I put a one-day-more check mark on the little pocket calendar propped on the table next to my bed. I counted the number of days I’d successfully lain there, and the number of days remaining. I noted those on the calendar too. If I made it through a morning and into the afternoon, I was overjoyed. One more minute, one more hour, one more day improved the chances.

Alone every day in a big house on four acres in avocado country. I’d eagerly await my husband and four-year old son’s arrival home, to chat with them for a half hour, until they dispersed to do other things. We had no cable TV and only two major channels that always snapped off to bug races by midnight, sometimes the hardest time to be with myself. I watched the entire O.J. Simpson trial. Got to be familiar with his lawyer Johnny Cochran and the rest of the circus. It wasn’t the most inspiring five hours a day, but it kept me entertained.

I couldn’t even enjoy the outside.

Or see it.

The only window in the room was behind my bed, and I couldn’t sit up and look outside.

The French door to the outside had a window it, but it was covered with blinds that didn’t flip open. They could be rolled up, but because the afternoon sun shone in the room and heated it up too much, the blinds remained closed. The only thing I could see through the slats was a little sun during daylight, and a sliver of moonlight at night.

Day after tedious day, I did the same thing. It became a ritual. A ritual I clung to. It was the only thing giving me any sense of stability and hope.

Within a month I thought I was going to go nuts.

And the longer the time went on, the more fearful I became. In spite of the better odds, my anxiety became more pronounced. Depression settled in at night.

Around the third month, the panic attacks started.

I’d never had a panic attack before. It was frightening.

And it nearly drove me out of bed.

And if I had gotten out of it, I likely would have lost the battle.


And that’s what could happen to us during this pandemic.

We could get out and return to normal too soon. Test too much of the waters. Not see the rip current beneath the surface ready to sweep us away from safety.

Or—after informing ourselves to the best of our ability, taking counsel, and praying fervently —we could determine in our heart to do what we have to do. Maybe return to work; open our family business to willing customers.

Whatever that is for us, and for our family. And for our community.

Striving, in as much as possible, to live at peace.


How do you confront fear and keep going in spite of it?

Staying in bed like that was tough, and lonely.

My doctor reminded me during my check-in phone calls with him that it was a tiny portion of my life to sacrifice. I knew he was right.

But when it was all over (I made it three out of the ideal four months and gave birth to a six and a half weeks premature baby boy who is now six-feet tall and finishing law school), he shook his head and said, “I don’t know how you did it. It must have been shear determination.”

I smiled and shook my head. “No. Determination had nothing to do with it. If it weren’t for God and the heavenly encouragement He gave me through different sources—friends, motivational tapes, and uplifting messages on Christian radio—I would never have made it. I would have gotten out of that bed a long time ago.”

He simply nodded. As though he was in awe.


Coronoavirus-19 is an individual problem, and a community problem—

 During this pandemic of worldwide “we,” we stand both alone—sometimes in isolation—and together.

As Christian artists for King and Country, Tori Kelly, and Kirk Franklin sing in their recently released song “Together,” (filmed during quarantine from each of their homes),

we will fall together,

or rise together.

But it may be the individual decisions that cause either one of those scenarios to happen.

What are the stakes for you?

They do affect all of us.




Have you spent a lot of time in prayer, reflecting on this pandemic and what it means for you, your family, and your community?

What is God saying to you, and what are you going to do about it?

What is the hardest part of the quarantine for you?

What lifts you up, makes the quarantine easier, and reduces your anxiety and depression?


May God give you the knowledge, wisdom and discernment you need to answer all of your coronavirus questions and dispel your deepest fears.

Until next time,

May God protect and guide you, in all ways.


Andrea Arthur Owan, M.S., A.T., R., is a fitness pro, chaplain, and award-winning inspirational writer. She works and writes to help people recover from grief and loss and to live their best lives — physically, emotionally, and spiritually.